Monday, August 12, 2024

Save The Elephants🐘

12 August is World Elephant Day

"World Elephant Day asks us to help conserve and protect elephants from the numerous threats they face."

While our understanding of the need to save the World's elephants is high, how to do it is complicated and our support is critical now more than ever.

The Elephant Sanctuary exists to...

-Provide elephants with individualized care, the companionship of a herd, and the opportunity to live out their lives in a safe haven dedicated to their well-being.

-Educate the public of the complex needs of elephants and the crisis facing elephants in the wild.

I only know about The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee because it was mentioned in a book that I read years ago.

I follow them on Facebook, but have no financial interest in the operation.

I mention them as a symbol of what we can do.

There are many elephant havens around the world.

❤️ 🐘 ❤️


  1. OH, we ADORE elephants! And mama's friend once took her two kids to a sanctuary to spend two weeks with elephants and they were charmed forever by what they experienced. A great way to teach kids about wisdom and patience and love.

  2. I am going to try to comment with Google instead of having to use 'anyonymous'....didn't work. But this is LOULOU speaking, not anonymous!

  3. Dearest Vicky,
    Elephants have always meant a lot to both of us and we were fortunate enough to touch some baby elephants in South India. One thing I can claim that they are very intelligent!
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. If only all wild creatures were safe from humans. Elephants are huge and incredible animals.

  5. It is so sad that those glorious creatures have to endure so much. They all deserve better.

  6. #1 says that one of her favourite books is "An African Love Story", the memoirs of Daphne Sheldrick who, with her husband, founded the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and its amazing elephant orphanage.

    The Chans

  7. I love elephants. They need our protection. A beautiful post.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  8. They deserve to be treated better but most humans don't care. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Well intentioned humans have made big missteps by assuming young and older males can be separated without issue. Without guidance from their elders, the young can go rogue, often becoming dangerous to other animals. I don't understand why anyone assumed this was ideal.
    Ummm... While I managed to keep Terra off my keyboard, Dandelion insisted on commenting:
    Silly kitties. :D Be well!

  10. Mom has always loved elephants. Too bad there are so many humans in the world that the elephants don't have as much space as they need.

  11. Glad there are some groups helping them.

  12. This may be of interest:

  13. It's important to help these gentle giants and indeed all the beautiful creatures of this world. Each is a precious facet in the gem of life.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....