Saturday, February 22, 2025


Animal advocate Colleen Paige created National Wildlife Day in 2005 to spread the word about animal extinction threats. 

The day originally fell on September 4. After the death of Steve Irwin, Paige added February 22 to remember his contributions to conservation efforts around the world.

For Caturday, we've got Housepanther Wildlife, in the form of Chili Bruce as he stalks his prey.

Artified with Prisma's 8bit filter, CB looks cartoonishly robotic.

Click on the image to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.

Let's Hop!


  1. Love how is eyes show up in that artification.

  2. I'm grateful there's a National Wildlife day to bring attention around the world.

  3. Like Lynn, I am glad of that special day. I was unaware of it till I read this blog.

  4. Pawesome arty effect dude, most furbulous! The P.A. wants to know if Onyx Storm has been read yet, and what the verdict is, if it has? 🐾🐾

  5. Bruce, as portrayed by computer graphics from 1980 or so.

  6. Nice art. Thanks for the puzzle. XO

  7. Chili Bruce is looking like an Atari game kitty from back in the day!

  8. I'll bet Chili Bruce always gets his prey.

  9. We so much like out wildlife they sleep under the house

  10. We follow The Lion Whisperer on Youtube; that reserve's efforts toward helping various animals is amazing, as are the past and ongoing efforts of so many. :) Be well!


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