23 May, 2018

Angel The Healer

Now, about my broken finger bones in my left hand!  On Friday, May 4, my surgeon removed the two pins that he'd placed.  They anchored my fractured #4 and #5 metacarpal bones to the #3 healthy bone, as stabilization.  He was pleased with my progress, gave me a prescription for occupational therapy, and this brace to wear ALL OF THE TIME, except in the shower.

I had to remove the brace
when going through airport security,
but at least those metal pins were gone!

I wear it religiously, and usually put my arm in a sling too.  Yep, I was a sight while gawking around England!

Therapy began last week.  At first, I was pretty sure it was a waste of time, but every new appointment gives me more flexibility, and strength.  And to tell the truth, it's really nice to have people who care, who ask questions, and want me to succeed.  They gave me this edema glove, because my palm still had too much swelling:

Someone suggested that I add lace...

Multiple times a day, I do my finger and wrist exercises, and visit the therapy office every other day on my lunch hour.  But WAIT!  I have some other healing therapy too...

Angel, purring on my injured hand!  Well now, I've got that going for me!


Brian's Home Blog said...

Purr therapy is the best, always! We sure hope you're all healed up soon.

Rene said...

Physical/occupational therapy really is an amazing thing. The exercises may seem pointless, but they aren't.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Angel purring looks like the best physical therapy to us!

Three Chatty Cats said...

Good job, Angel!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

angel...18 centz anda sack oh friez sayz YUR therapeez iz 100000000000000000 timez better N de other.... ☺☺♥♥

My Mind's Eye said...

Purring is a CURE ALL for sure. What an ordeal you have had and we are glad you are seeing a wee bit of mobility improvement each visit.
Hugs Madi and mom

My Mind's Eye said...

PS we are very sure your left hand is very happy to have lovely red nails they are good for the hand morale...mol

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

I posted on Instagram today about purr therapy! Great kitties think alike. We're glad to hear you're healing.

Summer said...

Purr therapy is important for healing injuries - it's a scientific fact!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

You know what they say about purrs healing bones..

Valentine said...

That Angel is the BEST kind of therapy! Maybe after she's healed you she can start her own therapy business! Nose kisses. -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

The Whiskeratti said...

Purr therapy is essential for all ailments. We agree - get some lace on there ! A few Hello Kitty stickers too.

The Swiss Cats said...

Purr therapy is e-ssen-tial ! Purrs

catladymac said...

No on else mentioned this exactly so I will stick it in : there has been research that indicates the volume/frequency of cat purrs actually generates healing in the way the sonic devices used to treat broken bones work. There is also plenty of evidence that cats may purr when they are stressed or in pain as a sort of self-calming and self-healing . So keep Angel cuddled right there !

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I know what the best therapy will end up being!

The Island Cats said...

Purr therapy is the best.

pilch92 said...

Angel is a sweetie.

Hairballsandhissyfits.com said...

Purring is the best therapy in the world! Glad to see you are healing slowly but surely--i do physio too for my shoulders--it never feels like but at first but stick with it!! You will notice a difference

Ivan from WMD said...

Oh, that adorable girl! It was so fun hearing her purr. We're glad the healing is going well.

Oh, and Ivan is OK--Mom was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. And the stupid part of it is, she didn't even notice the yak on her shirt until way later, when she couldn't understand why she still smelled it! MOL!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

thank COD for purr therapy! Kudos to YOU for being such a good patient!

Johnny said...

What an adorable little helper <3

Furries said...

Congrats on your progress. I'm sure Angel's purrs are helping - something about those low frequencies and bone healing. :-)

kathy b said...

I have read studies that tell you how a purring cat will heal bones. Their Hrz levels are designed to heal THEIR bones, but can help with ours too.

John Bellen said...

Cats should be employed at all health centres...

Tamago said...

Glad the physical therapy has worked for your hand. And we know kitty purr therapy works the best :-)

Unknown said...

You can't beat purr therapy! Glad to hear you're getting better. :)

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

Oh no! Hope your hand/wrist/arm heals up quickly! Kitty therapy always helps...