Wednesday, June 04, 2014


Chucky on the chair

Patty playing Sphinx

Lolling Mia

Angel up on her perch

Neighbor cat Aries 
All the cats are lazin' around these days.  Chucky has staked out an old chair covered in my long sweater.  Hey, I wear that, Chuck...and I want it back!...someday.  Patty goes wherever I am, and he prefers to be the one in front of the camera, but he allowed me to shoot Mia lolling on the deck one hot afternoon.  Angel sleeps on the top of a book case, which we call her 'perch'.  And Aries belongs to our backyard neighbor's, but she loves our yard; she filches bits of food, and often sleeps on the deck.  However, she has a hissy disposition, and will pick fights so we try not to encourage her much.

And look at this!  We primed the Cat Hotel, then gave it a good coat of house paint.  So now it blends nicely to our house, but it looks like a tank!  The Cat Tank.  We will paint the top and bottom floor verandas, and probably add some more doodads and such, before we move the whole ball of wax into it's intended location closer to the back door.  Of course, I was worried that the 'o' cats might shun the thing, since it smells like paint.  Lo and behold, Mia came right out of it this afternoon when I set out the food bowls.  Gosh, cats just simply amaze me.


  1. I'm LOVIN' that cat hotel. Very nice. Very nice, indeed.


  2. Oohh.... I just noticed your list of suggested readings. Pretty neat. You have three of my favourite authors listed there. You have VERY GOOD taste, for sure.


  3. Hey, it's the time for lazing!

    The cat tank (ha ha ha!) is shaping up quite nicely!

  4. There's a whole lot of relaxing going on there! Keep up the good work.

  5. I love the new look of your Cat Hotel! It is blending in your house very nicely. And the veranda is looking fantastic!
    Looks like everyone is having nice relaxing time :-) Have a great day xoxo

  6. No stinky paint will keep kitties out of their house!

  7. you did a catabulous job! Love the name "Aries" for a kitty! Cody is an Aries, I should have named HIM "Aries!"

  8. The hotel looks great! We wanna live there!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....