Wednesday, June 25, 2014


This little missy steals food from Mama Mia and Patty O' daily!  She belongs to our neighbor's, and they let her out to roam.  She ends up in our yard, and she watches when I put out food for the 'o' cats.  If they don't eat it all, or if they take too long, she'll walk right up and growl until they back away from the bowls.  She's also chased Chuck a few times in the yard, and she growls when I get near.  I try to be nice, but she hisses and growls, and then steals the food!  Therefore, when I see her hangin' around, I chase her off.  I hate doing it, because I'm a lover, not a fighter.  But she always comes back.  Persistent little minx!


  1. I'd say your NeighborCat had a good start on Cat World Domination ;-)

  2. I'd suggest her own serving away from your cats ;-) She can't eat her food and try to steal theirs at the same time.

  3. Wow she steals your kitties' food daily? Your food must taste better than her own!

  4. Maybe she just doesn't know how to make friends properly? The floofy kitty in our neighbourhood doesn't steal my noms any more cos my mum leaves him his own special bowl of noms out!

  5. Sheesh, she's so impolite! She could at least ask before she takes the food.

  6. maybe tell her pawrents? Not her fault they let her out


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