Saturday, June 21, 2014

Growin' fresh cats

Growing fresh cats in the garden urn
Discovered Patty O'Malley had potted himself in the garden urn.  Looks like I'm growing cats in my yard!  The tree house in the background was designed as a ship prow, for my neighbor's son.  Ahem...the outside cats now use it as a napping spot sometimes...

Pile 'o kittens!
Here's a photo taken last Saturday, while I visited with Paws for the Cause Feral Cat Rescue at their weekly adoption event.  Squee kittens!  That's a whole pile of them too, and each one just as cute and cuddly as the last.  Hard to walk away without putting one or two in my pockets and bringin' 'em on home!

Cat socks
On another note, these are my lucky orange cat socks.  Well, yeah, there are other colors of cats there, but the orange one's are like real life, while the others are just play (green or blue?)  I wear these to send healing orange cat vibes to my friends Amber and Sugarbear, who are holding their own right now in sunny FLA.  These cats have fantastic peeps who dote on them, aiding them to live their furry lives with as much normalcy and dignity as possible.  I could write a whole book on how deeply my friends love kitties, but for now they are concentrating on their cat crew of four, with two who need extra, EXTRA hugs and purrs.  May the power of my orange cat socks help add healing power to their ministrations!


  1. I love those socks so much even I would wear them!

    Oh, and about squeeful kitties--you know what my mom was doing yesterday. There's like a ton of them in the shelter just up for adoption! (Not for us, though--we only go for older kidlets.)

    Oh, that Patty!

  2. those kittens are adorable! They are the size that Cody was when I adopted him. Love the socks too, I have a few pair of kitty socks. Purrs and prayers to your friends with the kitties that need extra care.

  3. Jeez more kittens...mum is STILL telling me I need a little brother or sister....she's gone all girly cooing over them.... I do like Patty's garden urn look out post!

  4. We wonder, how big is that cat in the urn gonna get?

  5. LOL! Love the fresh cat growing in the garden :-)
    Purrs to your friends. They sure get your healing orange cat energy xoxo

  6. Our mom has cat socks too. We like how the urn sprouted a cat. It looks like a cool place on a hot day.

  7. MOL! We love the planter. Looks like it's a good crop of cat. ;)


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....