Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Cat Yard Art

Look at those cute whiskers!
I think three metal cats look just right!

Last year, I scored two metal cat pieces at a local art fair.  I posted about it here.  

Well, imagine my delight to stumble across the same artist at a completely different art fair!  I HAD TO HAVE an upright kitty, and handed over my money quickly.  The Hubby grumbled about it.  But come on, the three cats look FAB together, and since we have two black cats and a cow-colored kitty, isn't it purrfect?

If you'd like to contact the artist for yourself, email me so I can pass along their information.  I didn't ask permission to post about them, nor do I know about shipping, etc.  

Sure, they are metal, and will get some wear and tear from the elements, but that's part of their charm.


  1. guyz....theez 3... catz kateerz... iz awesum !! :) ♥♥♥

  2. It is purrfect. I love it.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  3. Indeed, they are so charming!! I love a yard cat

  4. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love them...
    now if I just knew your address I could come
    in for an upclose purrsonal look.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. If I had a yard or a lawn, I might try some of these. But the grass outside my window is not my own...

  6. Now you just need a tabby one and another black one. LOL

  7. Cute! The mom is going to an art fair tomorrow and hoping she finds some cute kitty stuff like this.

  8. They are lovely. I have some metal cats in Eric and Flynn's memorial garden.

  9. We think they're great! Since we don't have our own yard anymore, we'll enjoy yours!

  10. We have our sweet Fleur, made of copper.

  11. They look cool. I wish we still had a yard. All TW had in the yard were angels, cows and gargoyles.

  12. That cat art is totally great! Maybe I would call it fanciful or cute. Glad you found the artist!

    Check out my homeless cat blog archives about the abandoned/feral cat colony I manage.

    Debby in Arizona

  13. Oh, you definitely needed all three of these metal kitties!

  14. I wish I knew your address! I'd contact you.

    1. Send me an email on my contact form here, way down on the bottom left.

  15. I agree, it's purrfect! Three of them look so adorable together!

  16. You needed three to balance out the tableau - don't hubbies understand anything? MOL!

  17. I think it is terrific to have three cats like that. Great decorations. You all have a terrific day.

  18. LOL I loved your comment on my blog.
    After we got down we questioned our sanity
    Hugs Cecilia

  19. I bet Mr. Tree feels very safe now that he has 3 pussycats purrtecting him around the clock. Winks.

  20. I think your yard art is SUPERB!! Adorable!!! love them!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....