Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Updated! Two-zday

Folks, I've reinstalled my photos...I hope you can see them now!

Manny, curled up to CB
Up close with Chili Bruce

A matched set!
Manny on left, CB right...I'm pretty sure...

I try to give Da Boyz some futon time every day; I lay down, pull up the blanket, and they climb on!

CB is always at the top of my legs, while Manny goes for my feet or beside my hip.

Once, Manny climbed onto my chest, and slept there.
It was hard to draw a breath, but I was squeeing on the inside!

Am proud to call myself a human cat bed!



  1. I can't see the photos for some reason, but it sounds like a super snuggle extravaganza worth of much squeeing - enjoy!

  2. I can't see any photos either but those boys still look the same to me!

  3. I'll 3rd that I can't see photos either but my mind's eye has a good imagination.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. I can't see any photographs either. Bugger.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  5. Hmmm...no photos...but we're sure everybuddy was comfy!

  6. ME TOO!!!! Our friend who has memory issues was covered in our cats yesterday when he napped on the couch!

  7. I can't see the photos either, but I can imagine what they look like!

  8. No photos - or even the icons that indicate where they go....fun to imagine though.

  9. NO photos but I know what those two handsome boys look like! XXOO

  10. We see the photos--didn't you hear our mom SQUEE!?

  11. OMC cuteness overload! Love the “matched set” photo. That is too cute :-)
    Being human cat bed is one of the best things :-)

  12. They are such handsome boys. Nicky used to lay on TW's legs but not me.

  13. You are a fantastic parent. A tip of the tail to you

  14. That last photo is hilarious; it's like a double exposure of the same cat...

  15. Woodrow climbs on my chest early, early in the mornings. He's heavy, but I love it! Sometimes he even places his paw gently on my mouth. Not sure what that's about. Hehe.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....