Wednesday, May 06, 2020


Sweetie is doing well!

All meds are completed.

She enjoys her toys, the windows, and being combed.

Sweetie continues to sing for my co-workers, when I'm on a conference calls; it's delightful!

Enjoying a sunpuddle
Watching Bird TV
The Tooth Fairy brought gifts!
Thank you, Miss Ellen, from 15 And Meowing Blog!
Sweetie in Black and White

Another online jigsaw puzzle!


  1. I'm so glad sweet Sweetie is doing well and enjoying everything again. The Tooth Fairy sure done good!

  2. Oh how cute that she got a package from the "tooth fairy." Even older ladies need a little love.

  3. Awwwwwwwwwwww Sweetie...I'd love to hear your melodious voice. Maybe mom can capture it one day.
    Miss Ellen is such a nice lady.
    Hugs cecilia

  4. Such great news. Good news is a welcome thing in this time of crisis.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  5. sweetie; we haz been offline two long we guess....we due knot noe what happened that ya had ta haz medisin but we send st francis' blessing ya continmew ta due well !!!


    bout de hole burd izzue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~☺☺♥♥

  6. That is terrific news. Glad you are feeling better Sweetie.

  7. I am glad that sweetie is doing well. It is nice that she had a visit fro the tooth fairy.

  8. So glad to hear Sweetie is doing well!! She looks happy!

  9. Sweetie, you remind me and Mom of the pretty black lady kitty that Mom and Dad have been feeding at my porch. And wowy what nice gifts you got from the Tooth Fairy! Purr purr purr.

  10. She's such a little darling! I'm so happy how she's settled in with you.

  11. Katie LURVES her Miss Ellen made toys. She has an ice cream cone that even I as mom enjoy holding. It's adorable and those twists you see with a knot in the of her faves. They are always out. Miss Sweetie, I am SO glad you are all better!

  12. I am so happy that Sweetie is feeling better. Thanks for the shout out- I am glad she likes her gifts. XO
    PS: Thanks for the puzzle.

  13. Awwww. Sweetie !! Getting better! I am now using Pekin Plaque tooth wipes for Tank. I got some ugliness out on the first wipe. I have to get him used to it. You just wrap the wipe around your finger and go for it . He's pretty good. I don't think he would bite me. l......His breath is AWFUL but I think it is from his inhaler treatments. Ugh. He yawns a lot at night next to me. Its like a bad outhouse lives in his mouth

  14. Sweetie does look well and happy! What a lovely gift she got from Miss Ellen :-)

  15. Awww, she is really becoming a house cat and enjoying it! Ms. Ellen is just the best.

  16. It’s good to read that Sweetie is doing well. It’s astonishing how much colour a black cat will have in the sunlight, isn’t it?

  17. Fantastic news! Thank you for the update and kind words on my silly blog. Take care, my dear.

  18. You have lucky co-workers - they get to hear Sweetie!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....