09 May, 2020


Manny, by himself

Manny in the round
He adores the spider plant
Showing off his arm pits

Manny has his own specialities, and of course is different from his brofur Chili Bruce

  • If we cannot find him anywhere, then he's curled up inside the grey cup beddy.
  • Manny would spend his entire day in the kitchen, if allowed (he is NOT).
  • If I'm laying on the futon, Manny sidles up to the side of my leg.
  • Manny will allow us humans to carry him around; I sling him over my shoulder, while The Hubby carries him like a baby.
  • Bigger head but thinner body than CB, and has a white fur patch on his belly, and two tiny ones in his armpits.

Manny online jigsaw puzzle!


  1. You are a cutie and a sweet sweet guy Manny!

  2. He is so cute! Of course they both are. Do you realize you now have three inside house panthers?? This just hit me.

  3. Manny is adorable! Brofurs may look very much alike but each has own characteristics. It’s lots of fun to find those :-)

  4. Oh Manny, you are one handsome fella! Ma said she REALLY wants to rub your belly ☺
    Ruby ♥

  5. Manny's white-fur paw pits are adorable.

  6. Oh, Beatles lets us carry him over our shoulders too!! He was ours from day one, so he got so much handling!!

  7. Manny, you sure look like the perfect cat. Such a good boy. You all have a perfect day.

  8. love that spider plant photo and love learning about their differences!

  9. You are 'da man'! What a sweetie.

  10. He sounds like the sweetest cat.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....