Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Playing with my earbuds...

Sweetie's behavior has changed since the temperatures went up, and the windows are open.

She meows, and goes from window to window.

All.  Night.  Long.

She jumps on the bed, and walks across my body, especially when I'm asleep.

I presume that she was happily settled down inside, until the open windows reminded her of life on her own terms, observing her own territory.

One step at a time; we'll figure it out.

You can see by the two videos that she is comfortable with me, and that's like bricks of gold bullion in the bank to me!

Enjoy today's jigsaw puzzle!


  1. So good to see Sweetie enjoying like.
    Sure she wants out, but she will adapt :)
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  2. Bless you for taking such good care of her. She looks so happy. I, too, believe she'll adapt. Best wishes!

  3. You must be tired a lot. They all have their own personalities don't they.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  4. The open windows must have brought lots of interesting scents and memories to Sweetie. I hope she will settle back down...and with your help I'm sure she will :-)

  5. sweetie...jump on..jump off..tail in face...buttz in face...sleep on arm...sleep on legz.....fite at de end oh de bad ore smack in de middle....

    timez two !!!

    984 paws up for yur moovee { noe sound on de werk peas sea ta heerz "snore" }


  6. She really is an ultra sweet Sweetie!

  7. I love the sound of a snoring feline :)
    Oh dear, sorry to hear that she is waking you up. I hope she settles down at night soon.

  8. I am a lover of Sweetness like this.
    Hugs cecilia

  9. Her outdoor life is still vivid in her mind and the fresh air brings it back. Time will make it a distant memory. She is doing so well indoors on the whole.

  10. My Sammy snores too :) Sweetie is so sweet. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  11. I wondered how the open windows would go. I think she's happy to be with you though and all will be well.

  12. We bet she'll calm down when she realizes how good she has it inside.

  13. Oh dear. Have you tried feliway for stress/ Im sure you know better

  14. Little by little you will make progress. Your last bit of patience may be worn away but you will make it.

  15. Sweetie loves you very much, she doesn't want to go out the window but approaches you. She just needs some fresh air

  16. I LURVE that snoring. I get that in my ear at night many times as her mouth and nose is rested to my ear! THAT is nit where I would like to hear it, so sometimes I ask her to move. :-)

  17. Have you tried bringing a bit of the outdoors to her, like cat grass and/or fresh nip?

  18. I'm so glad she is comfortable with you. Perhaps she's just saying hi to her friends outside.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....