30 October, 2022

Devil's Night

The night before Halloween is called Devil's Night.

The idea, when I was a young'un, was to be a bit naughty, by draping trees with toilet paper, using soap on windows, ringing doorbells and running away, and any other light trouble that kids will think up.

Today is the intersection of Devil's Night, Halloween, Black Cat Month, and Bat Week.

Therefore, here is some silliness!
All images copied from social media, and are posted here for the entertainment of our readers.


  1. Great funnies My favourite is Dracula and his cat.

  2. I LOVED these. Dracula...how totally true if he had a cat ad the one with the bats...oh that was good. But seeing the cat get a kiss from such a scary guy and calling the cat his fiercest warrior and giving the cat a kiss...how totally true. Most of us about kiss the furs off our cats! The quick death..these were all such winners.

  3. These all gave us a giggle. Especially the one with Dracula (mol)!

  4. MOL!!!! Great Halloween pics! They made mum laugh ;) Naturally everything in the home belongs to the cat!!!!
    Mum and her friends were a bit naughty on Halloween(and other times) when she was young too ;) MOL!
    Purrs, Julie

  5. That first one is so true. And the last one is a hoot. Xo

  6. The cat as Death does indeed look ominous...

  7. It is all happening tonight. Thanks for the laughs.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....