Friday, October 07, 2022

Friends in the 'Hood

We are sad to read that Angel Drake earned his wings.

There are always new friends to wave at around us!
"Don't come any closer, lady!"
Window doggo!
This is Star; she comes running when I stop by.
Sneakers is often wary.
Note the eartip; someone is caring for this kitty.

You will note that some of these photos are close up, while others are farther away.

Over time, I've received permission from folks to step onto their property.

If I don't have it, I stay respectfully on the sidewalk.


  1. I am always amazed at how many kitties you see! The kitty on the blue steps, he/she seems like is being fed right out of cans, by the door...does that mean he/she is a feral?? I sure hope not.

  2. That Star and Dub and I are cousins, FOR SURE!
    And yes, we will miss Drake and his lovely eyes.

  3. So nice that you get to see so many cool cats on your daily commute.
    Sometimes mum would see cats in windows and she would say "I know where all the cats live"
    Purrs, Julie

    Purrs, Julie

  4. I love seeing who YOU see on your walks. It's a pleasure for me as well. And I, like you, feel that I can't step onto the yard without permission.

  5. So sad about Drake. We love Ellen.

    I used to walk in the park and there were kitties that would come and visit. I always took the time to love on them.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  6. What lovely friends you have! Great photographs. There are several cats that live along my road and they often stroll by.

  7. Thank you for writing about Drake. I wish I lived in your neighborhood. There are no cats in mine that are outside which I guess is good. XO

  8. Such cool neighbors. We hardly ever see kitties out when we're walking, I guess the ones outside all live here MOL!

  9. You got some cool cats in your hood! We were sad to hear about Drake, and we have sent Ms Ellen purrayers, love and strength! She has been having a tough coule of weeks! Keep on being awesome! Marv

  10. So many animals to admire... I visited Drake's family; the losses never seem to stop...


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....