Thursday, December 29, 2022

Luna Negra

So very thankful for fosters, and those willing to help.

Let me introduce Luna Negra, who appeared on a friend's front porch recently.

She was hungry, covered with matted fur, plus various ride-along insects.

Luna is about two years old, was spayed when found, is playful and warms up to humans in a trice.

She's a lap cat.

Luna will probably be happier as an only cat, and perhaps without small children around.

Her fur is the softest fluff you've ever touched.

Luna's foster is in Metro Detroit, Michigan, and some transportation can be negotiated.

What a cute wee princess; look at those whiskers and pretty eyes.

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  1. What a beautiful girl she is! I hope she soon gets her forever home.

  2. She is so beautiful, and those whiskers!!! We are crossing all paws that she finds a perfect forever home very quickly.

    The Chans

  3. It's probably our climate and being in suburbia, but we never see cats outside. If we see one in a year, it is a lot. We're thankful we don't see strays as it means there aren't any right here.

  4. Luna is a lovely kitty!
    Purrs she will soon get her loving home!!!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  5. She's most beautiful and I hope she finds a forever home soon.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  6. pritty purrty gurl, she looks berry wise, will not take any nonsense frum anywun

  7. Luna is stunning! I am so glad she was rescued and cared for. We're sending purrs your way for a furever home pretty girl!

  8. She really is a beauty and I hope she hits the forever home jackpot soon. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. She is gorgeous. I am glad she is being helped. XO

  10. Thanks to all those who changed her luck for this coming new year!

  11. Luna is gorgeous!
    About the Songs of our people, Mom has no idea. Almost all the cats she has had have been adopted when they were over 4 months old and they already new the songs....Purrs Marv

  12. Good Heavens, look at those whiskers! They are as long as she is.


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