Thursday, January 04, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Folks, last night was the first time that I'v slept all night with a cat!  Angel will only jump up on the bed for a couple of seconds, and Chuck slept with me when he was sick, and that only lasted a few minutes to maybe an hour.

Last night, Manny and Chili Bruce snuggled up when I got into bed, and they both jumped off and on all night, but they came back!  I had more butt in my face, and paws walking over my body, than ever before.

I am thankful for Da Boyz!  Hoping that we soon figure out a routine, so all of us can get more rest, but I am overjoyed that my body is an acceptable place for cat snoozing.

Manny, doing a dangle

Chili Bruce, looking down on his kingdom

On top of this, the corporation that I work for just added a full week of vacation for every salaried employee!  Something about keeping talent, and aligning with what other companies do, but all I can say is THANKS!

I've joined Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. Speakin' as a cat, on a peep's body is an EXCELLENT place to sleep. Provided they don't snore or roll about too much, that is. PURRS

  2. Those are great things to be thankful for

  3. Sleeping with cats can be long as they sleep and don't want to play!

  4. A bonus week and bonus butts...priceless! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. That's great! Mudpie is the first cat to sleep with me all night - especially this winter - and while I'm tired from being woken up several times each night, it's worth it!

  6. We have a feeling there will be lots of crazy stories to come.. and we are so happy about that. We sleep with mom a lot, but it does come and go.

  7. Great ! And a bonus week is a great thing to be thankful for too ! Purrs

  8. Webster sleeps with me sometimes, and I love the way he snuggles up real close. Those nights, I end up with the dog on one side and the cat on the other, so I don't actually get a lot of sleep because I can't turn to get comfortable!

  9. Glad the cats have decided that it is nice to sleep with you. On the cold nights I have at least six or seven cats in bed with me. Have a great Friday.

  10. Oh Cats yesterday was like Christmas all over again. WTG Boyz. I, Madison D Cat, come and go at night. I once slept all night between dad's legs..he thought he had a boulder on him..mol it was just me. Now however I enjoy a quick visit and sleeping alone. There might be a wee bit of bladder surfing on mom for making me beg for my ham...just sayin'
    Hugs madi your bfff

  11. It's funny ... for so long, a cat in bed with me made me feel claustrophobic and uneasy ... but after years of my snuggly Bear, I sleep better with a kitty in bed with me.

  12. doodz...extree staycatshun time for yur mom iz awesum !!! conga ratz two her :) ♥♥ wavez two all ~~~~~

  13. Yes, it is nice to have a kitty sleep with one. It takes some getting used to though. It is a breakthrough when a kitty is relaxed enough to sleep with you. I don't care for a kitty right up in my face or snuggled too close to the front of me. I squirm and move alot during the night and the girls have gotten used to this. Shoko sleeps beside me and close enough to touch unless I squirm too much. She then moves just out of reach and falls fast asleep. I have rolled over and hit her on the head...she let me know this was not permitted....hehe Kali sleeps at the bottom of the bed and only creeps up the bed when its cold. So if I awaken to hear a purring in my ear, I know it's cold.


  14. You will soon be snoring in tandem.

  15. You may just have to get a bigger bed eventually. MOL! Congrats on that extra week of vacation!

  16. Awww that is so sweet! I hope they’ll always snuggle up with you in bed in the night :-)
    How nice you get extra week of vacation. I’m so jealous :-) :-)

  17. Hurray for more vacation time AND cat snuggles!!! Happy 2018!

  18. Sounds like 2018 is starting off just heavenly!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....