Friday, August 16, 2019

Postcards from Meow Meet Up: Windy Kitty Cat Cafe

For more information, click on Windy Kitty Cat Cafe

This was a super cat cafe!  A volunteer was in the room with guests at all times, and every kitten and cat that I encountered appeared to be in purrfect shape, healthwise.  The amount of human visitors is carefully limited, to reduce an overload of grabby-hands from invading the cat space.  There was a lot of delightful artwork on the walls too, however I didn't snap any photos of it, 'cause I was just in love with the cats that roamed around.  I really liked Windy Kitty Cat Cafe!



  1. Aw, I want to go. Such a wonderful place to visit.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  2. Such beautiful sweeties and I'm glad they are in such a wonderful and safe place while they are waiting.

  3. Sounds like a great cat café and all the kitties are super adorable. I see you fully enjoyed visiting there :-)

  4. I love the 'M' on the tabby noggins.
    I have NEVER seen I cat I didn't fall in love with.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Lookit all of the cute kitties!

  6. We really like those good looking kitties too

  7. That was a nice cat cafe. The cats there were great!

  8. So many kitties ... so little time. I originally planned to go to Meow Meetup but had a family thing. I want to meet you!

  9. Great photos. I hope they all have forever homes by now. XO

  10. Oh to have been there!!! Seriously. You guys and them too? Riches beyond measure.

  11. I wanted to go there while zach lived-in chicago. never got there. but I can support them anyway!

  12. It looks like a wonderful place ! Purrs

  13. Awww, I bet that's such an awesome place to visit and see some adorable kitties.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....