Sunday, June 12, 2022

Corralling Dinosaurs

Living With Loulou demanded that I post this!

Some of us will do anything to chase the doldrums away.

Saturday, June 11, we once again decided to break the Guinness Book of World Records for the Most People Dressed as Dinosaurs.

We'd tried before:  Get Your T-Rex Here!

Stegosaurus with handler
In line in front of me.
In line behind me.
In all my glory!
Wore the colorful boa to stand out in the sea of dinos.
We walked one by one through a gate into a corral until all dinos had been counted.

Much kibitzing and hilarity ensued as we waited, and there were cameras in everyone's hands, drones flying overhead, and rock music blaring.

At dusk, the first Jurassic Park movie will be shown in the parking lot where the festivities were held.

We didn't make the record, but it sure was fun!

P.S. Reminder for the next time I break out this costume: don't let Chili Bruce see or hear!

The Hubby said that while Manny ignored me, CB was upset by the swishing of the fabric or the buzz from the inflator.
CB: "Don't freak me out, Mom!"
Me: "Sorry, dude."


  1. I love this!! How fun!! Now I want a dinosaur costume too!! LOL

  2. Ha! You need to bring in another town's population to break that record. It's funny that Bruce was unnevred by the costume but Manny wasn't. I wonder how many cats were scared off the streets by the procession of dinosaurs.

  3. HA! That was Dino Mighty, bet it was fun!

  4. That looks like so much fun! Love that boa, nice touch.

  5. Hilarious ! Looks like tons of fun ! Too bad you didn't break the record ! Purrs

  6. I would have LOVED being there to.

  7. This is hilarious! I was just thinking about your dinosaur meetup of last year and here you are again! I'm glad you shared.

  8. You have smart kitty brothers - one on alert while the other chills. lol

  9. OH, WHAT A BALL!!!! Some anthros have he best times with their imaginations and hutzph! LOVE that you do these things and keep Y O U N G. Is there a Dinosaur Suit Company? Or do you make them....can't imagine doing that with no model, haha. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHOWING US THIS GREAT DAY! Would that more would just kick up and have fun. Maybe dress as a kitty day.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....