Friday, August 26, 2022

'Hood Convos

As I walk around our neighborhood:

Me: "Good Morning!"

Neighbor: "The cats just knocked over a plant and we're cleaning it up!"

Me: "Oh!"

A plant knocker-over: Buttercup

Me: "Hello, just visiting my friend."

Neighbor, to other neighbor: "That's Sly's girlfriend."

Me: "Hehehe!"

Handsome Sly

The Hubby: "I saw your black-and-white friend while I was out yesterday."

Me: "Who?"

The Hubby: "You know, the kitty that you talk about."

Me: "Ah, that's Star."

Star, my friend.

Some sad news: 
Hotesse earned her angel's wings.
Please visit The Poupounette Blog to leave a kind word.
#1 and Hotesse, in happier times.
Click on the image above to visit The Poupounette.
Image from The Poupounette Blog.


  1. Those are fun' kitty conversations'.

    We were sad about Hotesse, too.

  2. So many cool cats in your neighbourhood!
    That makes walking so much more FUN!!!!
    Mum and I were sorry to hear about Hotesse too. We are happy #1 gave her a good life.
    Purrs, Julie

  3. I've always enjoyed my walks and seeing the neighborhood. Many want loves and I'm happy to do that.

    Sorry about the loss of her baby. So sad.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  4. You do have the nicest out n' about friends! We are sure sad about dear Hotesse.

  5. Cute kitties in the hood. :) XO

  6. How funny!

    ~Ivan & Izzy.

  7. You really need a special vase when cats are stalking. They can be stopped.

  8. Sly is indeed a very handsome gentleman.

  9. Star's black-and-whiteness is all over the place! Striking! And I visited Hotesse's people... Most sad.

  10. I love seeing the photos. Sad to have such a loss, much love to all of Hotesse's loves ones.

  11. It's nice to have good neighbors, both two and four footed. :D I'm sorry about Hotesse. I'll stop by, for sure.


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