Thursday, June 22, 2023

Gone Native

June 19-25, 2023 is National Pollinator Week; an annual event to support pollinator health.

We've been planting native-to-Michigan species in our gardens for years, but we are always surprised by what we find...
Like a black cat, and it's not one of ours.
Wild Geranium
Mystery plant; my plan says I put a Buttonbush here, but this is NOT a buttonbush!
Update: It's a Red-Berried Elder.
Penstemon, love the delicate colors...
Am grateful that we have the means to dig up the yard, good guidance in what to plant from our friend CE, and as a lazy gardener, new plants are watered in, then they are on their own.

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  1. The surprise red plant is a lovely colour.

  2. Lovely plants and glad you are able to do so ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Best plants of all are those meant to be in the area! Doesn't mean I don't get seduced by some new something or other from the garden center - MOL!

  4. Your garden is beautiful! I don't have a single green thumb, but my yard has some volunteer plants that I just let do their thing. And your surprise black kitty visitor is adorable!

  5. According to google, your red berries are likely an red elderberry. And they are native to the area

    1. Red-berried elder, says the tag that's sticking in the ground, and I've got two of them! Goes to show, my charting abilites are poor, and my two new honeysuckles aren't on the chart either...*facepalm*

  6. Could you use a fourth black cat? Who couldn't, really?

  7. I love the plants. We have NZ Native here. Planting themis important.

    Marjorie at Dash Kitten

  8. Pretty flowers! But I like that black cat the best.

  9. That's a nice yard and pretty flowers. Sweet kitty too!

  10. Oops, I forgot to say thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. We are trying to gradually have natives growing in our yard seems the native and non native3 weeds like to try and crowd them all out,LOL!
    I take all the seeds of the plants I do have and toss them to germinate near the established ones to make a kind of meadow with them all, And now I am trying to seed my big planters with extra ones to have my patio full of natives as well.

  12. What a cute black cat and very pretty flower photos!

  13. I need to get me some black cat seeds too!


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