Thursday, September 07, 2023

🦄 Unicorn🦄

 Imagine my surprise, when out of a mailing package, this GORGEOUS unicorn cat hat appeared!!!

And look how adorable Manny is!
🦄Thank you, MJ!🦄

P.S. MJ reports that she tried the hat on each of her cats, yet none wanted anything to do with it.

P.S.S. Yes, I have a cat head mannequin.

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  1. Our cat has worn a hat or two in the past, but he does not like it!

  2. Gee, Manny is a very laid back cat :)
    Looks good in the hat too.
    Not sure how I would react. Probably not well ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  3. Oh Manny, you are so darling in that unicorn hat - squeeeee!

  4. I can't help wondering what Manny was thinking. lol That's a kind and delightful surprise. And now I want a cat shaped head like that. Heh...

  5. That boy and his hat is the sweetest thing I have seen in years!

  6. Nice hat and Manny wears it well. XO

  7. That's most precious! Manny looks fabulous.

  8. You are totally adorable Manny and that really is a cute hat! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. (I thought it was an ear of corn...) Manny is certain that his patience with this human will be amply repaid in edibles.

  10. I think you'd better hope CB can talk Manny out of whatever may have been his intentions toward you after this.

  11. LOL, a cat head mannequin?!? I must know more! And that is a very cute had, btw.


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