Sunday, November 10, 2024

Cat TV

Early November, 2008.

Celestial Angel and Chuck enjoyed lots of Cat TV, from every window possible at Eastside Cats.
Chucky enjoying the wide window ledge.
Angel has her eye on something outside!
A rare image of Angel and Chuck sitting together, watching the leaves fall.

 Our first cats, and oh, we had no clue, and learned the hard way often.

An example:

Chucky started to scoot his rear-end on the floor.

I went up to the library to read every cat-owner book on the shelf, and decided that he had impacted anal glands.

At the veterinarian's office, I proudly offered my diagnosis.

The doc looked at me, and said, "He too fat; he cannot lick his butt."

Oh the embarrassment!!!
We switched from dry food to canned, and both cats lost weight gradually, and all scooting stopped. 

Our starter cats whom we loved dearly, the poor dears.


  1. Dearest Vicky,
    Angel and Chuck no doubt were happy kitties!
    Love your European looking window sills. When Pieter drew the design for our home he also listed them for being build for every window. A kitty heaven too, even though we not had any... yet!
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. It's meowvellous when one has such a variety of channels on Cat TV, isn't it?

  3. Well the very good thing that came out of that was that you found out the answer to the problem. Rather than to think there was a bigger problem. And the bigger problem was just being bigger.

  4. guyz...theez selfeez total lee rox....troo lee N reel lee N yez inn deed :) ♥♥♥....ooopz chuck ;) !!

  5. Looking out the window is the best! We love that last photo; what a special moment.

  6. Well, butt scooting could have been an anal gland issue so don’t feel bad about it.

  7. Usually is an indication of anal gland issue. I don;t know about that until Admiral's abscessed and burst.

  8. Sweet photos. I feel bad for my first cats too. XO

  9. The two best things: No commercial and it is always the director's cut.

  10. Anal glands would be a guess from me, too!

  11. They survived and I'm sure thrived on your love and care. We all learn the hard way sometimes.

  12. Caring for any living creature can be challenging, so forgive yourself past mistakes. ~hugs~ My husband is providing the latest challenge. lol Best wishes!


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