Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Look! It's Hobo!

I visited with Hobo this past weekend; he's the black and white cat whom I TNR'd back in 2009.  He was a constant visitor to our yard for years, but when Sammy and Patty O'Malley joined the crew, Hobo decided to amble down the alley.  I spoke to the guy who is feeding Hobo (whom he calls O.C. for Outside Cat) and four other 'stray' cats, in his backyard.  His house is on the other end of the block from our place, and I guess the cats use the alley as an effective roadway.

The Hubby and I have always loved Hobo, but he's never allowed us to touch him.  Even when he had a handful of burrs stuck in his back fur, he refused any human assistance.  He never slept in the cat shelters that we made, either.  He would accept only food and water.  But I trapped him and got him neutered; he was just about the easiest cat to catch, other than Patty O'Malley who walked into the trap in 30 seconds!

Having offered the guy my services as trapper, I have provided my contact information and that of low cost spay/neuter clinic All About Animals Shelter (website:  He didn't know how he was going to get all of the cats 'fixed', but now he has a way, and of course I'll assist in whatever way is comfortable for him.

In the end, it was nice to commune with my friend Hobo, and knowing that he's being cared for is wonderful!  I told him that he can venture down the alley back to our house at any time.


  1. Dat's pawsum. Sorry Hobo quit comin' 'round and hope he ventures back your way soon. And hope you and da neighbor guy do well with da kitties. Fanks fur helpin' them.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  2. Handsome mancat. It's fascinating how different they all are. And how independent the outside ones can be.

  3. waves two ewe dood, N just for de record....angel & chuckz mom & dad total lee rock... sew itz aye oh soooper kay ta trust em....we promize ~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  4. We're glad Hobo aka O.C. is being taken care of. And it's great that you offered to help get the other cats fixed. That's so important. the way...Zoey walked into the trap within a minute or two. Surprised the heck out of me. ;)

  5. I am glad you got to visit with this cutie. I hope the man calls you for your help. it would be great to get more cats fixed.

  6. Awww so good that you got to see your old friend and super nice of you to offer your help too! catchatwithcarenandcody

  7. How nice you got a visit from Hobo!
    Patty is too cute...took only 30 seconds, hahaha :-)


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