Friday, April 14, 2017

Tough Times In The City

Folks, yesterday I was notified that our fair city recently hired a new Animal Control Officer.  There were reports that this new person had begun a campaign to take away two fixed ferals from an elderly woman.  The reasons why were not made clear, so many of us began to worry that maybe our ferals were in trouble too, along with any pet cats that were allowed outside.

First off, I want to thank my informant, because she knows how much I love my cats.  Then, my sister emailed me with the same information that she gleaned from the internet.  The Hubby was promptly called at home, and he promised to keep an eye out for any city employee who might come snooping.  He assured me that it was all a tempest in a teapot, but no one messes with Patty O'Malley and Sweetie!  I texted one neighbor too, who has several cats.  I started planning a door-to-door campaign, advised everyone that for all these years, we've been allowed to TNR in peace, but the tables may have turned.

I was upset, to say the least.  Then, word came when my friend called the county animal shelter and found out that they figured there was going to be NO CHANGE in the way things have been all along.  So, we all could stand down, but we must be vigilant.  Those visions of trapping, and collars and fees paid, all swirled in my head.  I was a mess, in all honesty.

Sweetie loves this box!

Looking up Patty's nose...and he's missing an ear!
This morning, Chucky wasn't feeling very well.  Stuff came out of both ends.  The Hubby rocked him in his arms, and made me leave the house for work with the promise that he'd watch over Chuck all day. As of 1:45 pm, no word from home, and since no news is good news, I'm hoping that the cat finally ate something and perhaps got some water too.  As far as we can tell, there has been no change in food or ingestables for weeks now, so maybe he ate a bug or something. Will keep you up to date.


  1. Vigilance is good--you never know these days who's going to get their tails in a puff over what. We do hope that Chucky's bout was due to a dietary indiscretion! Why, just this morning a moth hitchhiked in on the newspaper--a treat we would have loved! Mom to the moth rescue, though--she trapped him and put him outside.

  2. I hope Chucky is feeling better by now. Always worrying.
    I hope also everything calms down with the new Animal Control Officer.
    Have a good Easter.

  3. That's so upsetting; we hope the city keeps its paws off the friendly ferals. Poor Chuck - we hope he gets better soon.

  4. well thank goodness that was all sorted out but I would still keep my eyes peeled. It is possible someone moved in that doesn't like cats. Hoping Chuck is now feeling much, much better!

  5. We hope your TNR effurts can continue as always. Our town doesn't believe in such, so any kitty outside is considered fair game. And da outcome is not very nice. We're sendin' purrayers fur all.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  6. That is scary to think animal control would change their policy for the poor ferals. I hope Chuck feels better soon.

  7. We purr that this is a one time thing that maybe got overblown and is not a sign of bad things to come.

    We send a ton of purrs to Chuck and hope it's just a temporary thing with him.

  8. Purrs for Chucky - we hope he is well when you get back. And we are glad about the 'stand down' message: Äiti has had her worry head on over Sir Patrick and Sweetie, and also the stress it causes you. Vigilance is good!

  9. We hope Chucky is better today.
    Many years ago a campaign started where my brother in law lives to check that no house had more than 2 cats in residence. These were indoor and outdoor cats. Supposedly they were going to check this by rabies shot records...which the Vet quickly squashed because the convinced his city that folks would not vaccinate their cats. All ended well
    Hugs Madi and mom

  10. Glad there won't be any changes and I hope it stays so. I'd be worried for Patty and Sweetie, and other feral and outdoor kitties. I'm sorry Chuck is not feeling well. I hope he's gotten better. xo

  11. Bad news indeed! we hope Chucky is better!

  12. Awwwww.....I hope things go well.

  13. Purrs to Chucky from all of us. We hope all goes well in your city.

  14. We hope you will keep us up to date on all this news, and of any more changes. Sending soft purrs to dear Chucky.

  15. I'm glad that there won't be a change for the TNR and ferals in your area. And hopefully Chucky is feeling better.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....