Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Oh Me Oh My!

This is all I could afford! $15
All About Animals Rescue is where I pick up Advantage Multi for The PO'M and Sweetie.  Usually, I buy six months-worth at a time.  Last week, I left work to drive the 25 minutes to AAAR.  As I pulled up, I grabbed my purse...and oh no!...it's too light!  My wallet was not in my purse, nor was it in my tote bag, nor in the pocket of my pants.  Crap on toast!  No money, no credit cards, no driver's license....

*ahem...it seems that I left the wallet in a bag of goodies that I'd used to take blog post photos of, and forgot it was there.*

I had a $20 bill in my pocket, luckily, so I was able to buy one dose for my Big Boy.  At least now I have 30 days to buy some more...

I made it home after work without encountering the police.  And also was mum to The Hubby.  He'd have my head, so none of you TELL HIM!  Shhhh...it's our secret....

UPDATE:  The Advantage Multi isn't doing anything for The PO'M; he's scratching as hard or harder. Crap on toast!  He goes through this every year, and I never know what to do for him.  All holistic remedies don't work either, and years ago the vet just shrugged, gave him a Capstar pill and a shot of antibiotics for the infected scratch sores.  Oh My Paddy! 😿


  1. I've done the same thing as you--though thankfully I haven't driven that far. Glad you had the $20 at least.

  2. I had to chuckle at the wallet thing. I've done that and it's not fun. Especially if you drive a long way to do something. Bugger.

    I did link this post to Happy Tuesday. Why not.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  3. Poor Paddy. Some kittehs have such problems with their flea meds. PS: we won't meow a thing to your hubby.

  4. Poor poor paddy. Itching is maddening!!!

  5. That is just awful and no fun, poor guy.

  6. It is hard when one itches all the time. That was rough about not having your wallet. Not fun. Have a great day.

  7. Poor Paddy. I hope he stops itching soon.

  8. Poor Paddy! We hope he can get some relief somehow.

  9. One of my vets has said the fleas build up an immunity after a bit, so I've been changing brands (they all cost about the same). It IS October.

  10. I've done that! Noticed at work that my wallet was left behind and was scared to death driving all the way home!

  11. Those fleas know a sweet host when they smell one. And Paddy is nothing if not sweet!

  12. Advantage doesn't seem to work any more? Man, after Frontline doing the same...things are looking down. Paddy, you sure have the best mommy ever! I hope you start feeling better quickly! Maybe it was good not to have loaded up on the Advantage since it's not working. Smoochies to all you beautiful babies.

  13. I got a treatment from the VET that worked much better than the Advantage that we were using. The fleas were just not going away! But after 3 months of the new stuff, they're all gone now.

  14. I went through something similar when fleas invaded my home. I found that the fleas do develop an immunity so you have to change brands. Make sure what you use has a different active ingredient than what you've previously used. The last one I used was Activyl. It worked great but it's hard to find right now.

  15. Blast. What an irritant that must be for the poor fellow. Is there another product that can be tried?

  16. Phew! #1 tells us there is nothing worse than that moment when you realise you don't have your wallet and you begin frantically searching for it. We are glad you found it!

    The Chans

  17. Poor Paddy! I hope you can find something that works for him!

  18. Whew, that was a close one. Mommy;s been there done that too. MOL We know you said natural doesn't work, but have you tried the collar thingy we reviewed recently? You know the flea tag that works fur just one anumal to repel fleas, ticks, etc.? It's good fur a whole year, so it would even end up bein' cheaper in the long run. Chewy and ONP have them cuz they're an Only Natural Pet product. Ifin ya' want or need more info, let us know. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena


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