Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thankful Thursday: A Gift

Love it!
Folks, The Hubby likes to doodle.  I gave him a pad of drawing paper and pens years ago, but he'd rather use found bits of paper or cardboard, and sketch whichever cat is in the vicinity.  Many of his drawings are on sticky note paper.

This is Chili Bruce, penned on the insert from a box of green tea packets.  Sure, it's rustic, but it comes from the ❤️ , and it was a gift for me.  The Hubby says Chili Bruce has a smaller head than Manny, but I certainly cannot see any difference!  CB does have a bushier tail than Mans, and Manny has a bigger white patch on his tummy than Chili's, but noggin size is beyond my ken.

I am thankful that Da Boyz and The Hubby are such great friends, and that they inspire artsy gifts for me!  And I tell The Hubby that I think he's an artist with food too, but he won't hear of such hogwash.  He makes terrific meals, and invents new vegan dishes all of the time.  Yesterday, he made a quinoa, kale, and bean dish that was so yummy, I almost licked the bowl!  Actually, I let Da Boyz lick the bowl, but that's another story...

Let's Hop!

Click here: Brian's Home Blog


  1. Lovely and coming from the heart is the very best of all gifts.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  2. kewl iz thiz ...yur dadz got talent ...for can putz thiz ina frame N set it out or may bee take it two her place oh employ...tell dad him kneadz ta "sign" it !!♥♥

  3. Oh I do so very much admire folks who can draw.
    I can't draw a straight line with a ruler.
    This is beautiful. AND he is a chef....too!!
    Hugs cecilia

  4. That is a darn cool doodle, or maybe I should say a doodle dandy! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. I love it. And what a cool cool gift to you. The boys appreciate it too I know. I hope you will always share these drawings when they happen.

  6. The 24 and 30 count cartons of Fancy Feast have GREAT cardboard inserts ! Even better than those in the old shredded wheat boxes !

  7. Awww Zach doodled Radar a long time ago ...We still have the sketch

  8. Nice pic! Maybe he'll draw one of Manny too someday. Purrfect!

  9. Yuppers, I concur, he is a keeper!!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: Ma wants to know if he delivers???? ☺

  10. We love the doodle and er Mom would like the Vegan meals, does he deliver by any chance?

  11. Love it!!! My hubby draws too. He'll draw a cat every now and then, but mostly weird creatures!

  12. That truly is from the heart and that is the best kind


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