Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thankful Thursday: "Tiny But Mighty"

Tiny But Mighty: Kitten Lady's Guide to Saving the Most Vulnerable Felines
Author: Hannah Shaw

  • Hardcover: 336 pages
  • Publisher: Plume (August 6, 2019)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1524744069
  • ISBN-13: 978-1524744069

Having just finished the audiobook version, read by Hannah Shaw herself, I cannot but be thankful for her and those who care for and foster neonatal kittens, and mother cats with babies. 

Not only does this book give one a good grounding in what it takes to help foster kittens, but her positive and very kind outlook on life in general is very uplifting!

Kittens less than six weeks old are often euthanized in the community shelter system, due to a lack of volunteers/staff to be tending to the babies 24/7.  When it comes down to what can be done, most rescues are only able to give the most time to adoptable now cats.  This is reality.

Hannah's book explores that the prejudice against neonatal kittens can be turned around, and these, the most vulnerable cats, can be spared by fosters who know what to do.

Ms. Shaw gives examples of kittens that she has helped, and how she learned from every experience.  She comments that turning grief for a kitten that dies, into strength at helping the next baby.

One of her examples struck deep at me personally.  She describes seeing a 'Free Kittens!' sign, and she visits the home to ask if she can help.  The folks just didn't have the means to spay and neuter their cherished cats, so they gave the resulting kittens away.  Hannah offered to take all of the current kittens, and to pay for the cats to be sterilized.  There was no need for angry talk, "you should know better!"  Hannah offered HELP, and education, and the family was overjoyed.

Kindness, is the key.  We've all gotten mad when we hear of hoarding, and people who abuse their pets, and we get all up in arms.  But...what if we approach with kindness and helpfulness in our hearts?  Even within the rescue community, there is a TON of negativity between groups.  Why?  Everyone is moving toward the same goal, which is saving animals lives.  Be collaborative, be helpful, be kind.

"This is my simple religion.  There is no need for temples; ne need for complicated philosophy.  Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness" Dalai Lama

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  1. I'm sure it's a good book but we're probably wouldn't do well due to the sadness of the reality. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    1. Hannah addresses the sadness, saying that the love overwhelms the sad, and that it makes her more and more determined to do everything on God's Green Earth to keep kittens alive. Her strength is amazing; I hope to meet her someday.

  2. I agree that if people are doing their best, there is no need for anger or recrimination. Some people don’t have the money to care for cats the way they should, so they do their best. More knowledge is needed, knowledge about cat-care and about options or help available. It sounds like this is a good and useful book.

    1. I am extra glad that I listened to the audiobook, because Hannah brough lots of emotion into her own words. Lots of laughter, a few tears, and buckets of determination.

  3. I am very grateful and thankful that the shelters I've worked/volunteered at seem to have quite a large and helpful community who are ready and willing to foster kittens.
    I'd love to be able to help and foster someday, but unfortunately I'm not at the place both physically or financially to be able to do so.

    1. I too want to foster someday, probably after retirement, and I'd love to shower money too, but I don't have it! So, I volunteer when and where I can; my few hours here and there.

  4. What a sad reality. I didn't know this. It's so sad.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

    1. Kittens under 6 weeks and feral or non-socialized cats are not counted in statistics about 'no kill' shelters!

  5. Replies
    1. I think I enjoyed it extra, because Hannah laughs and cries as she reads her own writing. Really was impactful to me.

  6. Sounds like very informative book. Yes it's important to approach with kindness and there is no need for angry talk...which can be said for other things as well.

    1. These days, we are all so quick to judge, without really knowing all of the facts. Easy does it!

  7. We have a sad situation the next county over. 57 dogs were seized. They had a sign out front that said Blah Blah Kennel. It was not.
    It was a puppy farm. The stench got so bad neighbors called. More than 57 there only 57 were in good enough shape to be moved. Huge animal cruelty case pending.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. She sounds like an amazing woman. I want to read that. XO

    1. I already know that it's on your 'to-read' list!

  9. Replies
    1. I think it's got a lot of interesting info, for sure.

  10. Wow. This is awesome. Thank you for sharing.

  11. thanx for the honest review; I have this on a list over at amazon; will for sure now move it to "cart"


  12. Oh I will absolutely read it. I never thought about the lack of fostering parents for the babies. It is an every two hr. job. when they are just born...and so many other things. I did not know the awful reality about no kill shelters not counting the kittens and ferals.

  13. The Kitten Lady is amazing! What she does to help kittens is truly remarkable.

  14. We didn't know about kittens either. :-(

  15. She is pretty amazing. Many years ago I adopted a four week old kitten and had to step in as mom cat. And it was a lot of work!

    I appreciate very much the concept of kindness and helping, instead of anger and judgment. What a difference.

  16. KIndness works! Thanks for posting this as it helps educating and in turn helps the kitties!

  17. Sounds like a great book - and a great story to share about the free kittens too.


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