Monday, June 22, 2020

Lazy Cat

Monday O'Malley!

"Egads! It's Monday again!"
Gorgeous Green Eyes
"I'll just go back to sleep..."
Jigsaw Puzzle


Sad news...

Kate from Glogirly earned her wings over the weekend, and has flown to The Rainbow Bridge.
Our sympathies are with her pawrents and brofur Waffles.

Click here to visit
Image from


  1. P O'M the look in your eyes in the 2nd photo is hilarious...
    I'll go by to visit Katie and Glorirly
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. Love the first photograph! Mondays can be tough... especially hearing about the loss of glorious Katie.

  3. Oh Paddy, you're such a joy to see pal. We're all sad about dear Katie and our heart breaks for Glogirly and Gloman...and of course I know Waffles will really be missing the Boss.

  4. You're such a good looking cat, but you're not lazy. Cats aren't lazy one bit. Love those green eyes.

    Have a purrfect day and week. ♥

  5. Awwww... thank you so much for sharing our sweet Katie's photo. We miss her so much, but feel completely wrapped in love from all our dear friends.

  6. We has a sad about Katie. There have been too many cat loses lately.

  7. I was so sad to hear about Katie! (And I like your idea of carrying around a card! My issue is that I usually run VERY early in the morning--between 5:30 and 7:30AM so thus far have not run into any owners as I would love to know all the cats' names!)

  8. Paddy, those fangs are just such fun to see!

    I was shocked and very sad reading about Katie. I had tears as I read. She has been an every post joy for me since I started blogging.

  9. It's been so hot we don't blame Paddy for being lazy!

  10. Paddy looks quite shocked by something in the second photo.
    I was very sad to hear the news about Katie.

  11. Oh he is such a HUNK!!! Our hearts are broken over Katie, just shattered.

  12. Fangs!
    Purrs for Katie's family.

  13. PO'M is so darn cute. I especially like the first photo. I was sad to read of Katie this morning. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  14. PO'M - I just can't with you. You are too adorable!!!

  15. Paddy’s green eyes are really gorgeous! He brighten up Monday :-)

    I’m so sorry to hear about Katie. Purrs to her family.

  16. Great pictures. It does look like you saw something a little scary. Have a fine day.

  17. That darn Monday seems to slip around when you least expect it. You do have some great eyes PO'M

  18. He is adorably mellow. And I'm sorry about Kate.


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