Friday, May 28, 2021

The Last Friday!

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm gobsmacked that it's already the last Friday in May!

Despite my amazement, this means it's time for Photo Fails!

PO'M, getting a good scratch, but it's really not a good photo of The King.
Manny, you are a little too close!
(And the neighbor's unsightly wood pile tarps makes me cringe!)
Sweetie: "Does this photo make my butt look big?"
Poor kitty, her noggin is not in focus!

Let's Hop!
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  1. Aw, they may be photo fails, but I think they are all cute.

    Have a purrfect day and weekend. My best to your mom. ♥

  2. Those are fun fails and everyone always looks great no matter what!

  3. fotoz look prette good ta uz !!

    happee week end two all...see ya in JOON !!! ;)

  4. Sweetie, your butt could never look big!

  5. Those are cute photo fails. :)

  6. Those are some great fails! Love the close up of Manny...are you sure it's Manny??

  7. Great fails, but poor Sweetie. Our mom was notorious for snapping pics like that of her girl kidlets!

  8. Sometimes the fails become the best...for the laughs and cuteness factors!

  9. I don't know where to put my failed photos, on today's blog or one dedicated to screw-ups, haha. Maybe just do a complete blog on's out of focus attempts!

  10. Your fails are as nice as some of our good ones MOL
    Sweetie you look wonderful and so does the king

  11. Great bloopers! TW would prolly deliberately put my butt in focus and leave my face blurry.

  12. Like Timmy's Dad, our Mom is hopeless at photography! Those would be good shots prior to our human brother coming to live with us. We are thankful he takes excellent photos!

  13. Aaah Manny and Chili are gorgeous! I have a big brother who looks just like them. Pitch Black. But I am a fluffy pure white and think I rule the whole darn world.

    Elza Reads


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