Wednesday, May 19, 2021



Sweetie prefers that human hands stay at a distance from her.
Soon, however, she sinks peacefully into the Land of Nod!
I wonder if her previous human used to smack her, or use his hands to 'play'.

I lie in bed, reading a book while Sweetie is on my chest, and the simple act of reaching up to rub my eyes will make her bite at my hands.

She has few teeth, so there is no injury, and I strive to ignore the sorrow, rage, and heartbreak that well up inside me, when I think about this kitty having had to endure mistreatment of some kind by a human, and her years spent out-of-doors, having kittens, and living rough before we found her.

As much as possible, I keep my hands flat on the bed, or I bend over to smooch her sweet noggin with my hands firmly out and nowhere near her.


  1. You are just the best. That is a wonderful way to enjoy her and gain her confidence. I had my friend who has started to begin dementia, do a puzzle of yours the other night. He loved it!

  2. my first thought is accepting food; as if you have some in your palm.....bast knows I'm no expert though !!!

    ewe bee lookin gorgeouz sweetie :) ♥♥

  3. She's living large now and that's what counts. You're doing what she needs and she knows it.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the kitties, ♥

  4. Our Lucy will get skittish sometimes and it breaks my heart. I have to wonder if her previous home chased after her with a broom.

  5. She is such a good girl and it's so wonderful how well she adapted to indoor life.

  6. Love nips, that must be it, love nips.

  7. Sweetie is fine now. That's the most important thing.

    Tama and Benny

  8. Sweetie is happy and knows she is loved. She just reminds you now and again that she is the boss.

  9. And you know, looking at her...she doesn't;t want to swipe you to hurt you with her paws. I can tell. They ARE long so of course they would but her little swatting seems like a half hearted warning. I share that feeling too about the disgusting piece of whatever who made her that way. THANK you again and again for taking a chance with this dear soul.

  10. Those claws look scary, good thing she is sweet. :)

  11. Sometimes they just don't like to be petted, and kissing them on the top of the head is a much more catlike show of affection. And even though she's lying on you, hands represent confinement. If the hand offered her a treat on a regular basis, that might change things. She's a very sweet girl! We love her.

  12. Oh, that breaks my heart ~ the fact that some sub-human would raise a hand to such a sweet kitteh!
    Butts, I don't likes my head touched eithers, and Ma has never hit me, butts I 'duck' when she goes to pet me on the head ...why? not sure. just one of my quirks 😁 Ma laughs, and says..."don't touch the head! never touch the head!" making funs of me! sigh.
    Sweetie loves you, just like I loves Ma (most the times...BOL!!!)
    Ruby ♥

  13. Our Gramma's cat is somewhat like that. She only lets Gramma touch her and only when they are lying in bed. Who knows what happened to that cat before Gramma adopted her.

  14. Sweetie is living the best life now...that should help you forget all the bad things she may have endured.

  15. She is getting the love she so deserves. She looks more like it is a learned reaction than fear so that is progress

  16. She is loved! And she knows but forgets. Marv is a biter and will not allow anyone to touch him! That is why he is a foster fail. After dealing with Nellie and her issues (which took more than 5 years to resolve) I knew that Marv would not be able to move into any other home. Sweetie is blessed to have humans who love and understand.

  17. My new foster-cat, Portia, has issues. She will turn from purring and enjoying a head-rub to hissing and scratching me in an instant. I don’t know if it is a matter of trust (in me) or something harmful in her past. We never know what these cats go through before they came to us. But Sweetie’s moves are reflexive, and she’s probably sorry for them as soon as she makes them. She knows you.

  18. She's showing you how sharp her claws are with that kneeding, haha.

  19. You're giving her an excellent life. ~hugs~ Always hold onto that thought.


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