Thursday, May 13, 2021

A Yorkie, Tale

This is not my photo, since it all happened too fast for me to snap a photo!
Found this on the said it was free...and it's a close approximation of the wee doggo that I hugged for a few moments.

While on my lunchtime neighborhood walk, I found a wandering doggo!

No tags, no collar.

The only human nearby was a man mowing his lawn across the street.

He kindly turned his machine off as I approached, and explained that he knew every dog on the street, but didn't recognize this one!

Determined to do the right thing, I picked up the wee one, and headed back toward the yard that I'd seen the dog come from.

After only taking a few steps, another dude came out from around a nearby house, said he was working on a car, and that his dog had wandered away!

My fastest rescue yet; not a whole ten minutes...

The man thanked me, and I waived at the mowing man, and resumed my walk.

Today, I am thankful for the many wonders that I encounter; it's astounding to be alive!

Let's Hop!

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  1. We never leave them to fend for themselves either. It doesn't take that long to try to find their peeps. You've a good heart.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  2. Good save and a quick one too. We're thankful that sweet pup didn't wander too far. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. all rescue could be as easy...hey ...cute pup; glad he was rescued safe...984 paws UP to you V for helping ♥♥♥ L

  4. You ROCK! We are thankful for people like you! Sometimes those who wander are lost! The dog owner was lucky you were there. We hope you have a marvellously happy day!

  5. So nice. There need to be more people who pay attention and act. Purrs dear friend

  6. That was the fastest rescue I've ever heard of - hooray for you!

  7. Oh, that's so sweet. I might have been tempted to keep him, if no one came forward!

  8. Well you’re our hero and how do you not had a family your family might’ve grown a little bit right?

  9. That was a wonderful thing to have solved it so quickly.

  10. Glad the dog was returned to his owner so quickly!

  11. Glad you helped this cutie get home.

  12. Lucky Boy and Lucky Lawn Mower Man ... and thankful for you!

  13. That is an awesome happy ending. ~hugs~ You rock.

  14. People have to be careful. That Yorkie wouldn't be able to manage the outside like the PO'M could.

  15. Thanks so much for helping that wee pup get back record time!


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