Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Made in the shade!

It's Sweetnesday!

Sweetie enjoys laying on tissue paper...
...and sticks out her tongue when she is interrupted while in-and-out of sunshine...
...but using her human to nap against is a bonus!


We've had another report from Heaven!

"Angel Timmy Tomcat was walking up the lane and he spied Paddy O'Malley chatting with a pooch. This being an odd sight, cat with dog, dog with cat, he saddled up and introduced himself and explained how he had seen Paddy on his blog. Timmy was surprised when Pocket introduced herself as he never really talked with a pup. "My Dad's Mom and Sister had pups who endlessly barked so I never went further than the bottom of the stairs as we lived in a smaller apartment over the house. You are nothing like them." Timmy and Pad commiserated over the lung cancer and told Pocket that kitties have the same problem she had. Hearing a bit about being a bird Timmy laughed and said his brothers, Mr Buttons and Buddy Budd, knew how to walk over Dad at night. Only a step or two but that was all it took to let him know they were alright. Timmy said he got a step in and it was something to see Dad turn on his flashlight since he knew were the family was sleeping. They all agreed that this was interesting and they walked along chatting. Two cats and a dog. Imagine that!"
Angel Timmy Tomcat

Click on the image above to visit Tomcat Commentary by Tim Blog!


  1. You look beautiful Sweetie! That was a darn sweet story too.

  2. Sweetness indeed. You're most beautiful too.

    I love the heartwarming story about Angel Timmy Tomcat, Angel Paddy O'Malley and Angel Pocket.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  3. sweetie; yur mom dee served that razz berry !! :) ☺☺♥♥

  4. That is a cute razz you gave for being disturbed.

  5. Sweetie is a cutie. Such a sweet story about PO'M and Timmy in Heaven befriending dogs. XO

  6. Sweetie, with the weather we've been need the shade!

  7. I love the story. Made me smile extra much and extra big. XXXXXX

  8. Everyone gets along on the Other Side...

  9. Sweetie you are one beautiful kitty and we all sure appreciate seeing you having such fun. You Rock! Thanks for posting my photo, I had so much fun with Paddy and Pocket and am learning so much at the bridge about others and true love
    Angel Timmy

  10. Sweetie, we like to tear tissue paper up! Have you tried that? It's fun!

    Charming story!

  11. Pocket is thrilled to have Tom Cat as another kitty friend. She has never been so popular.

  12. Tissue paper is such a kitty magnet!!

    Those who live at the RB have no more fears or qualms about who may become their friends...whomever they meet, those are their friends!
    Wish peeps here on Earth would do likewise...

  13. Dont-cha just love Sweetie? And bravo for "Small Tales" and the tales of love, caring ... and how we can all get along together.

  14. What a lovely Heavenly report. Good to know everyone is doin' quite well up there. PURRS

  15. Aw that photo of Sweetey on the tissue paper is the cutest.

  16. Oh gosh, that is such a sweet story. And I love all the photos of Sweetie!

  17. Please stop making me cry. ;) What a beautiful girl you've taken in.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....