Thursday, August 12, 2021

An Ocean of Love❤️

December 26, 2011
The PO'Ms first photo, snapped from the back door.
The beginning of our journey
for all for your kind sentiments!

We've received so many tributes, love, and tears, traveling to us from all over the world.

An ocean of love for Paddy O'Malley!

We miss his goofiness, his adorable squeak (I still hear it, about once a day), and the feeling of his sleeping body in my lap.

We'll never know where he came from, but Paddy found love, food, shelter, and discovered his talents as my hair-stylist and acupuncturist, when he choose to make his home in our yard.

The immense joy of having him inside the house, too quickly followed by his sudden and out-of-the-blue leaving, was a shock that still feels surreal.

If you don't mind, I'll continue PO'Mondays for some little while; there are many images of him to share.

Click on the badge above to visit Timmy Tomcat's Blog

Click on the badge above to visit Zoolatry Blog

Click on the badge to visit Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs Blog
I will respond to every message that we received; you all are so kind and loving!


Let's Hop!

Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog


  1. The loss of dear Paddy still gets me crying. Hugs from all of us, those are beautiful images. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

  2. It was a shock to all of us. We were so happy when he came inside. I guess he needed you more than you knew. Big healing hugs. I know how much you loved him.

    Have a blessed Thankful Thursday. ♥

  3. Many, many hugs. We look forward to reading more and still seeing him on the blog, despite the extreme sadness. Gone too soon.

  4. Please do. We miss him and seeing him again will be something to feed the heart.

  5. It's a wonderful idea to go on with PO'M Mondays ... as for so many of us, and for you ... he hasn't really or fully left yet, you still hear that little squeak right ...

  6. We still can't get through our heads that the PO'M is at the RB...
    We'd love to see lots of posts about seems we had just begun to know him a bit...
    Hugs to you, tons of them.
    ((( ♥ )))

  7. dood....we wood total lee lovez ta see ewe round on PO'M Mondayz....we iz verree happee that ewe dee sided to call eastside...home...we iz honored two call ewe...friend ♥♥♥

  8. I'm looking forward to seeing more photos and hearing more tales of PO'M.

  9. We would love to see more of the PO'M. Purrs and hugs

  10. We will enjoy seeing as many memories of PO'M as you want to share !

  11. We are so glad you had time to be with such an amazing fellow. Paddy O'Malley really was something special and we were really impacted by his passing. You could see it in his eyes and it carried across the web he had that much calm cat poise and grace. He decided to come to you and allowed you to be a part of his life which was such a gift to us all. We are honored that you posted our badge. Our Purrs and Prayers for you all!

  12. Thank you for sharing this special boy with all of us. He was such a love and will never be forgotten. I am so sorry he had to leave you. XO

  13. We are so happy we got to know Paddy. Today, Pocket went to the Bridge. They must be doing things in alphabetical order. I know your terrible pain.

  14. We'll never have enough of the PO'M.

  15. Oh my word, the things we miss when we're not here often enough. We only just now learned about your sweet PO'M, and we are so, so sorry he's now an Angel. My gosh, that seemed so sudden. And yes, please continue to share him with us all. Be well, take care, and it doesn't even need to be said that so many of us know exactly how you're feeling.

  16. I have just read your previous post. I am so, so sorry. It is always so devastating when a furry family member leaves us. Sending love and hugs your way.

  17. Vicky it is an excellent idea to continue P O'M Mondays. Such an honor to him to continue to make an appearance. Madi pops in and out too. Without her I would never have met so many wonderful furries and their staff.
    Hugs Cecilia

  18. I'm happy that you will be continuing PO'Mondays!

  19. Paddy was SO lucky to have discovered your place! He had a good life there and knew he was loved <3
    Purrs, Julie

  20. OMD/OMC, I would LOOOOOOVES the Paddy O'Malley Mondays to continue!!! Oh, they are so pawsome!
    Angel PO'M will be a welcome smile to start the week πŸ₯°
    Ruby ♥

  21. We loved Pom and still do and miss him. But maybe he came in the house to tell you something and really needed your kindness to do what he had to do.

  22. There is always room for Paddy. Hugs to you.

  23. looking forward to still seeing photos of Paddy--again just so sorry for your loss- so lucky you had each other!

  24. I was stunned to read about POM. So quickly after his move indoors. I only wish there was something I could say or do to lessen the pain. I know those we love don’t go away. They walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear. I still see Queen Penelope out of the corner of my eye. I can't wait to see your photos of Paddy. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I send you virtual hugs, love, and strength. Barb

  25. Mee-yow iss grate to see more fotoss of Paddy O'Malley!! Hee iss with all of us inn spirit an wee nevurr furget him!!
    Paddy sure had minty green eyess jsut like mine!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma am <3 LadyMew

  26. I 1ook forward to A11 the POM photos and stories . There can't be enough

  27. Of course you must continue PO'Mondays! It was such an awful shock to everyone, especially as he had just become an indoor cat. He was and continues to be loved by so many.
    Thank you for the birthday wishes.

  28. I wanted to come and visit you for thanking you for the lovely comment you left on my blog, but now I'm crying your loss with you!
    I've recentrly lost a fur-baby of mine and still can't recover this pain...
    May all the beautiful things you've lived together be of solace for you!
    Xx Daniela at ~ My little old world ~


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....