19 May, 2023


 While on a trip to Wildtype Native Plant Nursery and environs, we happened upon some new sights:

Official Wildtype kitty
A wee non-venomous milk snake
Look at those blue sapphire eyes!
The pawparazzi got a bit to close for her liking.
Having lived in The Motor City for my entire life, this logo was puzzling!
 Research says Holden or General Motors-Holden, made in Australia.
Goes to show that there are interesting things to observe and experience, if you look around.


  1. That is indeed a curious car logo and does seem to be for the now defunct Holden brand. That car sure has travelled a long way!

    The Chans

  2. Oh, that i one regal kitty cat! And what a wonderful place to visit!

  3. How I would love to be there, see the plants and certainly the kitty who is as regal looking as Loulou said. I saw a strange logo car myself of all things last week but ge got to go thru the traffic light and I had to stay for the red so I never got close enough to see what it said!

  4. The kitty is quite the looker and looking is always fun!

  5. Such cute kitties. Venomous or not- snakes creep me out. :)

  6. Yes, there are, and sometimes it is better to be close to the ground.

  7. The enormous blue eyes on that beautiful long-haired cat...

  8. Wow, that sure was an intriguing place to see/visit. Du=id you acquire any native plants for your garden? I try to have a lot of them too...after I get rid of all the invasive species and weeds, that are not native.

    Beautiful felines residing there, too!!

  9. Holden are a really popular car in Australia, though in the U.K. they are called Vauxhall. What a fun trip and we loved seeing all the pics, especially the ktties!❤

  10. I try to be observant as there is much to enjoy in this world. Blessings, my dear.


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