Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Man Solo

It's Twozday!

Yet, Manny has less time in the spotlight, so here he is:

Man Solo
Basking in Springtime sunshine.
Manny imitating a black hole in deep space.
Manny's favorite place; in the kitchen, near the cat food cans.

Fun Facts:
Manny likes to be carried like a baby.

He eats slowly, while his brofur CB gobbles.

Is very talkative, especially when trying to con...er, um...invite a human to open the kitchen door so he can start creating havoc, often standing on his back legs to gently pat a human in case they don't hear his plaintive cries.

Before napping, he spends a goodly amount of time kneading the blanket.


  1. A pile of papers is always a favourite place.

  2. We like talking too, just like you, Manny😸That papurr place is the best place huh😹Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞

  3. black hole in deep space.....MOL!!

  4. Would never have guessed you were a slow eater. Does CB try to eat your food?

    1. Manny would be skin and bones if the humans didn't keep CB from eating all of his food!

  5. Manny, you are one beautiful boy! You asked if our Emmitt was named for Doc on Back To The Future ... no, he was named for Emmitt Smith a former Dallas football player - I met Mr. Smith around the time we got our Emmitt, nice man.

    1. That's a wonderful story! How our cats got their names is always fascinating to me.

  6. He's most handsome. It's cool how different kitties can be.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  7. Manny is a vewy hansum man-cat. He needs more time in the spotlight. Love, Dori

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


  9. I would LOVE to meet the boys. And Manny...you are handsome and sweet.

  10. You are such a sweet guy Manny and most handsome too!

  11. Handsome Manny, you sure are a handsome dude. We love that you like being carried like a baby. XO

  12. That sun sure looks good on you, Manny!

  13. Manny sounds like an interesting guy. I like the kneading of the blanket before a nap: maybe a combination of happiness and getting it just right...

  14. Oh, and I like the light and shadows on Manny in the first picture.

  15. Manny may not be much featured, but he sure has plenty of his own character!!
    Love how he sits in the kitchen cabinet:)


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....