30 August, 2023

Tiny Bubbles

It's Sweetnesday!
Rare occurrence: allowing me to hold her paw.
Bed hog.
What a funny face!
She has a new nickname, courtesy of The Hubby: Tiny Bubbles.

Sweetie is so wee compared to Da Boyz, one cannot help but marvel at her diminutive size.

We've had limited success with the appetite stimulant; will continue to tweak our delivery method.

New to the Sweetie Health program: Omega-3 oil, to assist her kidneys.

So far, so good with that.


  1. We need a photo of her with the boys so we can see the size difference!

    Crossing paws on the appetite issue.

    The Chans

  2. I hope you can get her eating better. How heavy is she?

  3. Sweetie is gorgeous❤ Mildred Marbles was a tiny cat fully grown too, she was half the size compared to Basil. We hope mew find some tasty delights to tempt her, we use Fortiflora which is a tasty probiotic powder and sprinkle it on food and that works well.

  4. Dear Sweetie. We hope she will eat something soon.
    Purrs, Julie

  5. We worry when they don't eat enough. Probably enough for her, but still. She's a cutie pie.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  6. Bless her. She and our Robin, who was a tortie, have /had the same weight. Robin did go to 6 pounds before she flew away. Her little paws were like an inch across. But she was a hunter extraordinaire!

  7. I love that name for her. It is perfect.

  8. She was giving you a bit of a stink eye there.

  9. She is most beautiful. I hope the appetite stimulant works. Maybe I could take away some of Dansig the Round's appetite and send it to her.

  10. Is she using the Miritaz for the ear? If not, you should try that one. XO

  11. Paws may be held here only inter"mitt"ently... As for eating, we're all urging, silently but strongly, for Sweetie to eat more...

  12. We love that nickname. We sure hope Tiny Bubbles gets a big appetite soon.

  13. Yes, Mimi is six pounds, her children were each about 12 at their prime. People who don't know think she's a kitten, and others can't believe she produced the big black cats. Do you have the transdermal appetite stimulant? It's difficult with a non-compliant cat. I'm sure it would be impossible to give her fluids. Has the vet ruled out nausea and reflux? They are common with kidney issues and just destroy appetite. Good luck?

  14. Aw Sweetie. She may need something for nausea to go along with the stimulant.

  15. Oh, best wishes. ~hugs~ She is in good, loving hands.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....