Thursday, January 02, 2025

I'm Staying Home

January 2 is World Introvert Day!
Yep, prefer to be a human cat bed with a book or five.

And a cup of tea.

 Let's Hop!


  1. I am absolutely an introvert. Sometimes it seems a little lonely to be this way, but I'm actually okay with it after 70 some years.

  2. Introverts also make excellent bloggers ... hiding behind our monitors and keyboards ...

  3. Are you talking about us😸😸Double Pawkisses for an introvert day to all of you🐾😽💞

  4. Oops, I forgot to say thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. I was a born introvert but with my career, I was forced into changing my way of dealing. After a while it got to be natural. When you are doing my job you can't be an introvert. You can quit if you want to...but that was never a viable option for me. I'm a jokester, and as an Officer I had to talk some folks into doing the right thing. Most with a bunch of those in my family that I was raised in..piece of cake. You learn how to talk..interests are similar...blah blah blah.

  6. Books or an old movie, some toast, a cup of tea and cats. A quiet little cottage with a garden. Far away from everything...

  7. Dogs were the original introverts because we hate to leave the house

  8. We are sort of introverts, hiubby way more than me, though!
    Happy New Year!!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....