Thursday, January 23, 2025

"Gimme Coffee!"

My friend sent pics of her cat, Phat Gary.

Phat Gary was being irritating as she tried to work.

Phat Gary was in a state, until she figured out that he wanted some coffee.
Phat Gary's first taste.
Phat Gary is happy!
Phat Gary loves coffee!

We know that COFFEE IS BAD NOT GOOD AT ALL for cats, so she only gave him a taste that was seriously watered down.

It was more the smell inside the cup that made him happy.

And he looks happy, no?

Am thankful for cat-loving friends who say, 'sure, put that in a blog post!'

Let's Hop!


  1. I figured you look so happy because the coffee was watered down with a half a cup of cream. He's a beautiful cat.

  2. mum once haada cat that liked coffee, that cat, Cherise, also liked triscuits, tortilla chips and honey dew melon

  3. I'll see if Katie wants to sniff my cuppy after I have my coffee. If so, that's all for her, but it would be interesting. Gary...I have had serious likes for fellas with your name.

  4. He certainly looks happier after the coffee. Rather like me first thing in the morning.

  5. Phat Gary is such a handsome dude and now a happy one too! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. Cute kitty. My Joanie used to love coffee. XO

  7. That is cute, funny and fun!! Thanks to your friend for sharing Phat Gary with all of us!

  8. He does look happy now. We had a cat at the shelter who loved to steal coffee out of coffee cups, black coffee only. They had to watch her all the time.

  9. Compared to what cats get into on their own - even protected housecats - a lick of coffee was probably among the more harmless substances he could have had. I remember my Tucker wanted a taste of tea way back when. The things those beasts want...

  10. That's funny. Thank you for sharing, my dear. Be well!


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