Friday, January 31, 2025


!yaD sdrawkcaB lanoitaN


National Backwards Day, celebrated on January 31st each year, is a whimsical and fun-filled observance that encourages people to do things in reverse or unconventional ways.

It's a day to let your creativity flow and embrace the unexpected. 

Have your dessert or pudding for breakfast.

Put your clothes on backwards.

Clean your teeth using your other hand.

Walk on the other side of the street.



  1. LOL!
    I wonder if the activities people where I work will have our residents do anything fun(ny) for this day...i shall know, because I have to be there later on this day! Maybe i should be unprofessional and put my uniform shirt on backwards...teehee!

  2. Replies
    1. Two or three times I have been printing and my text has come up backwards. I don't know how it happens, but when I have typed it a second time it has been normal. Of course today it won't do that when I want it to!

  3. I make enough mistakes during my day not to do anything backwards. Who knows where I'd end up if I did.

  4. Kinda could be every day now, seems like "all 'n' everything" is backwards/upside down/inside out from what it should be ... etc etc etc ... a bit depressing.

  5. We never cease to wonder at the "Days" people manage to come up with!

  6. I remember all of the the kids doing that in grammar school...and ll the other fun things they did...

  7. my dad always ate dessert before the evening meal…well, when my mom wasn’t looking πŸ˜ΊπŸ’šπŸ’™‼️

  8. Hey, I live in the South, lots of things are backwards here!

  9. If I brushed my teeth with the other hand, I'd have fewer teeth...


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