Friday, January 24, 2025

Today in 2020

Five years ago today, our Angel earned her travel documents to Heaven, and crossed The Rainbow Bridge.
Celestial Angel was one of our two 'starter' cats; we adopted her and Chuck at just 6 weeks old, which was much too young, and they were both covered in fleas and had worms, and hadn't been neutered.

After Chuck died, and we adopted Manny and Chili Bruce out of the blue, The Hubby and I felt that Angel could use time away from those two hooligans.

Voila, Angel's Apartment!

Celestial Angel then flew away, and Sweetie took ownership.

Currently, Henry is learning that inside is a good place to be.

We miss you, Darling Angel


  1. Sweet kitty, and of course we adore Chili Bruce and Manny and still wonder at the nane of Chili Bruce and also wish we could get MY nane on your comments list and not have to fill in Anonymous. This is Loulou by the way.

    1. Angel Loulou, I don't know why you are having them problem; I am investigating using a different email feed but don't know much about them. We'll post about How Da Boyz Got Their Names someday soon for you.

  2. What a sweet looking angel. I'm so glad you were able to get Henry inside before winter came. I bet you have a lot of relief there is he finally gets more comfortable everyday.

  3. Purrs and hugs as you remember your sweet Angel today.

  4. Hugs as you remember that special girl, she was quite the beauty.

  5. Too young to be adopted or not, Angel and Chuck obviously needed you two, and for Angel to be given her own apartment must have been a delight to her. What a wonderful - though too short - life she had with you.

  6. We always will love and cherish our kitties who have flown away from us.

  7. she’s a gorgeous gal💙💚 sending hugs and loves your way, I know Angel will help Henry settle in ~~~~💚💙

  8. da tabbies o trout towneJanuary 24, 2025 at 1:58 PM

    sending hugs and lovez your way V, 💙💚Angel is a gorgeous gal, paws crossed she helps henry settle in to the apartment 💙💚L

  9. I am sure you will get a dream visit and I hope you can remember it.

  10. What a beautiful girl Angel was. Thank you for loving her so much.

  11. You run a fantastic home. ~hugs~ Keeping our loved ones alive through memories, be they furred/feathered/finned or human is a comfort. Be well, my dear.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....