Tuesday, January 28, 2025

What's in a Name

It's Twozday!

Living With Loulou has asked for the origin of Da Boyz's names.
The answer is rather simple:

They were named Batman and Bruce Wayne when we adopted them.

Those names didn't match up with our knowledge of their purrsonalities, but we didn't know if they were names added by the rescue, or the names given them by their former owners.

We morphed Batman into Manny.

Bruce Wayne became Chili Bruce Lee:

Chili: after Chili Palmer character in the film "Get Shorty".

Bruce: from Bruce Wayne, Batman's alter ego.

Lee: after martial artist Bruce Lee.

The Hubby claims to have completely dropped both Bruce and Lee, while I'm more often calling him CB, Chills, or Brown Bear.

Manny is shortened to Mans, or lengthened to Manfred.

No matter their names, they are WONDERFUL!


  1. The names that you finally gave those two boys when you shorten them a little and change them a little seem to be perfect. And they look like two perfect kitties.

  2. doodz…yur namez yur pawrentz gived ewe iz way better πŸŸπŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ˜Ί‼️

  3. Those are great adaptations of the names they arrived with!

    The Chans

  4. How sweet! A neighbor here named his dog Bruce Wayne. :) Unfortunately, Bruce passed away a few years ago but lived a shockingly long life for such a big pup.

  5. Wonderful. It's fun to know how our babies get their names.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  6. They have both very COOL names and they're very awwdorable 😻Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day to all of youπŸΎπŸ˜½πŸ’ž

  7. Those original names wouldn't have suited them at all!

  8. That was interersting and they are BOTH adorable!

  9. We loved learning how the boys came to have their awesome names!

  10. The names you gave them are so much more fitting. XO

  11. I figure new humans get to give new names. In a new environment, the cats soon adapt.

  12. The names you have for them are just right.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....