Looking out the window |
So sweet and floofy! |
Sleeping kittens |
After weeks of mourning the loss of Loretta/Shadow, I screwed up my courage and drove out to visit her at the big box store. The
Paws for the Cause folks were incredibly nice, allowing me to hold her, and we played and hung out together for a long time. She's doing fine, and seems to like to negotiate the small store enclosure. She has been taken to a foster home too, so she's not 'trapped' inside the store enclosure all of the time. We watched her introduce herself to a new kitty who had just been brought in, and she was quiet and tentative, but no aggression or fear.
Although I miss her in the house, one worry has now slipped from my mind. I was informed that a person has already sent in an adoption application for her. And while I stood there chatting about ferals (these folks are a fabulous resource!), many, MANY folks walked by to look over the kittens and other cats available for adoption. Mind you, Paws for the Cause carefully screens potential adopters, and they will take extra care that Loretta/Shadow goes to a really good home.
Of course, the kittens are so squee that I wanted to hug and smooch every one. Several of the older cats are so pretty, that people just couldn't help but stop and stare. One black-and-white boy drew so many lookee-loos that I was sure someone was going to adopt him on the spot! I hope the coming year will bring many adopters to welcome these cats into their hearts and homes.
It's nice that Loretta has a foster home! Those cat folks sound very nice, too. No doubt the kidlets will all find homes in the new year.