Sammy on 3/30 |
Morning of 4/5, and there's a toof sticking out! |
I noticed something odd about Sammy Saturday morning. Well, Houston...we have a problem! On the lower photo, you can just make out a white speck on Sammy's lower lip. It's a tooth! One of the lower canines is bent, or broken. That is probably why he stopped eating kibble as I noted a few days ago. DUH! But, as you can see by the upper 3/30 photo, the snaggletooth is a new development.
Obviously, this situation cannot continue.
Now, I've attempted to trap Sammy at least three times in the last couple of years. He would not go near the trap, pictured below. He's no dummy!

He's not gonna like it, but that mouth has to be seen by a veterinarian, and sooner rather than later. I've placed the drop trap box on the deck on Sunday, and let it just sit there. This afternoon, I set the trap by placing the stick-with-string up under it, then I've been ignoring it. I'll start moving the food bowls closer, then closer. Once Sammy gets comfortable moving under the trap, then at the right moment, I'll pull the string and drop the trap around him. I dislike all of the time that must pass, because I'm sure that mouth is sore. But, I've got to go slow so I can succeed this time. Once he's inside the trap, I will place a carrier up to the trap door on the side, and he'll walk into the smaller space, then voila! Cat in a carrier, and off to the vet's office we go. Am confident that they'll be able to fix him up, and he should be able to get back into the yard after a day or two recuperation.
Of course, this is a busy week at the office, and my worry-about-cats-o-meter is spiking heavily. No use making an appointment with the vet's office, since I do not know when I'll catch Sammy, or when I can get there. So many unknowns...except one: Sammy needs some assistance, and I will do everything I possibly can to get him help.