Tuesday, September 29, 2015


I love astronomy!  I get outside at night and stare at the stars whenever I get a chance.  Meteor showers, eclipses...you name it, I'm watching it!  

Therefore, I stood outside on Sunday night...watching.  The clouds had to mosey along first, but then!

iPhone image, early eclipse
Patty O'Malley joined me for a moment
Another rotten phone image
For really good photos of the eclipse, go to Mickey's Musings; they've got some great moon photos, and pretty kitties too!


  1. We felines appreciate nature in all its forms.

  2. We got to see the beginning of the eclipse but then it got cloudy and we didn't get to see the total eclipse. Thank cod some of our friends got some great pictures!

  3. Thank you for your comments on mom's pics.
    We had fun watching her go in and out to take pics.
    Moms do act weird during these eclipses ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  4. MY photos came out like that too. :)

  5. Yeah, my mom tried to take pics, too. The only one that was decent was fairly early into the eclipse--the others were all shaky because the camera's exposure took eons* and weighed a hundred pounds*.

    *Mom excuses.

    Georgia's mom sure did a neat job!

  6. Your moon shots are beautiful! We didn't see supermoon, but I think it made Niko a bit wild. Patty must have enjoyed moon watching with you :-)

  7. guys...georgia & crew did due a grate job.....yur momz fotoz iz awesum two.....we couldna see a thing out side cept passin cloudz..... stay rite ther & dont move cloudz.....& cloudee cloudz ♥♥♥


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....