Chuck was not injured by the error, but I'm telling this embarrassing story to advise you all that it's important to be on the same page as the veterinarian, AND with anyone else in the household that is assisting with medicine handling! I take full blame for the lack of communication...if I'd simply x'd out the old prescription label.
With multiple bottles of pills; each one has it's own instructions and how often administered, and the pills from the pharmacy are not the correct dosage size...they must be cut in half or quarters! So, it's complicated and we've made our first big fat error. I feel awful about it. The only way I'm not running out in the street for a bus to hit me, is the fact that Chuck is okay...this was a supplemental mild antibiotic for his IBD, NOT one of his heart meds.
In the future, when any new med is introduced, The Hubby and I will converse clearly so we both know what is what and who is who. When we started, I was the only one cutting up pills and wrapping them, but our process morphed over time to The Hubby doing all the cutting, while we take turns in the pill wrapping. Clearly, our instructional discussions need to morph too.
We are both pretty shaken by this, so again I warn you all to be careful; color-code, or write across pill bottles with markers, or tape them with different colors if that makes everything CRYSTAL CLEAR TO ALL.
P.S. Chuck is greatly improved using Metronidazole, even at the reduced dosage. His litter box usage is significantly better, and we are glad his attitude is much more playful and kitten-like.
Sunday Chuck |