Monday, December 10, 2018

Da Sunshine Boyz

So cute!
My bet is the Manny is half-upside down, and CB is looking away, but don't quote me on it!
This weekend was very cold, and not a cloud in the sky!  Everyone was basking in the warm light.  We are sorry for the folks who've been socked by storms to the south and east.

The PO'M and me!
On a very sad note, Mary Ann at Feral Cat Behavior lost her husband Mike to illness early this morning.  Please drop her a note, and donate toward her feral cat care if you can.  A link to do so is on the side bar of her blog.

Photo borrowed from Feral Cat Behavior
Mike and kitten


  1. Cute photos! We're sure sorry to hear about Mike, so sad.

  2. Those Boyz are something else! We are so sorry to hear about Mike.

  3. DaBoyz look like Dr. Doolittle's Pushme-Pullyou.

    I sent a case of cat food to your friend - it won't arrive til almost Christmas, but if she wants to know where I camefrom, please let her know I'm one of your followers.

  4. The first photo of the boys is crazy!
    You and P'OM look wonderful!

  5. What a couple of characters Da Boyz are!

  6. what cuties they are! So sorry about the passing of Mike

  7. Oh, we just love those boys! PO'M looks happy as can be with you.

    Very sad about Mike.

  8. Such sweet boys. How sad about Mary Ann's husband.

  9. I absolutely love the black cats! What a great photo. I am so sorry for your friend's loss.

  10. Im so sorry for your loss and your friend's loss

  11. We've had a chinook wind here the last few days: warm enough to melt snow, cold enough to freeze a human...

    I follow Mary Anne's blog and read with dismay but not surprise that Mike had died. Such a sad event. Please donate something if you can. Mary Anne gives so much.

  12. Sorry to hear about Mike.

    Lovely photo of Manny and CB though.

  13. I love it that it’s hard to tell your kitties apart sometimes. They like to keep you guessing! I’ve not heard of Feral Cat Behavior before. I will stop by. That is very sad.

  14. Aw, every day is Aw over here. Or happy. One or the other. Such sad news on Mary Ann's husband.

    Have a purrfect Happy Tuesday. My best to your mom. ♥

  15. Lovely pic!

    It's turning cold here too.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  16. Great picture of the boys ! What a sweet photo of you and PO'M ! We're sorry for the loss of your friend. Purrs

  17. Love the picture of the boys and Patty O.
    Purrs for Mary Ann.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ


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