Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Wobble Like A Weeble Wednesday

This video was taken in 2014, but I have dozens of images of The PO'M rolling back and forth like this.  If you are of a certain age, you may recall toys that came out a LONG time ago, that rock on their base but don't topple over.  They are called 'Weebles'. That's my Paddy!

Random fact: The last scene from the film, "Throw Momma From The Train", starring Billy Crystal and Danny DeVito, Billy's character Larry makes fun of Danny's character Owen, calling him a 'weeble'.  So there! 

😺Happy Wednesday!😺


  1. What a great video. I've never had a kitty that did this. Most entertaining.

    Have a purrfect day and Happy Wednesday to you too. ♥

  2. What a goofy boy. LOL I remember playing with Weebles as a kid.

  3. Tee hee hee! Oh yes, weebles that wobble but don't fall down! Mom says she had the Weebles Family Treehouse when she was a lil' girl. I think there's a new nickname: Paddy Wobbles! Purr purr purr. -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

  4. Oh yes my daughter loved her Woobling Weebles. They were kinda cute
    but PO'M is cuter
    Hugs cecilia

  5. He has to make sure he licked every spot! ;)

  6. I was laughing till I cried! Those back legs!! He is adorable.

  7. I do the same thing! And, my mom's been known to call me a Weeble.

    I don't think I like that, though.


  8. That is cute :) I have 4 weebles left from my childhood that my great-niece plays with when she visits. :)

  9. Weebles wobble but they don't fall down!

  10. Awww I loved the video! Paddy is so sweet and funny!

  11. Aw Paddy!!!!! We get an occasional roll from miss Pie when she's very excited

  12. That could quite possibly be the cutest video ever.

  13. He has such purrsonality. We so wish he was a house cat. But either way, we're thrilled you take such good care of him. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena


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