Thursday, December 20, 2018

Thankful Thursday: Oh Canada!

Yesterday, I had the distinct pleasure of traveling to Windsor, Ontario for a office event.  How fortunate am I, that I can be in another sovereign nation within less than an hour's travel!  I tried in vain to find a good image of a Canadian flag flying while I was there, so I could snap a selfie, but the only flags we saw were at the border crossing.  Figuring that the authorities would NOT enjoy my jumping out of the car to snap a photo, I have no evidence of my day trip.

Haven't visited our neighbo(u)r to the North in years, but it turns out that I have some very, VERY dear friends who live there, and some of them are bloggers!


Today, I am thankful for our Canadian furry friends, and for the entire country, so to speak.  I'll never forget the kindness shown during 9/11/01, when U.S. airspace was closed, planes couldn't fly, and travelers needed help.  Canada opened her arms to those in need, and she will always remain in my heart for her genero(u)sity.  Oh, yes...and hockey.

Here is a list of cat bloggers from Canada that I follow:

I Have Three Cats
Pets Overload
The Canadian Cats
Just Cats
Wandering Cat Studio
Nerissa's Life
Marvelous Is Marvelous
Hairballs and Hissyfits
House Panthers
Mickey's Musings
Stillness At Cherith

If I mistakenly left anyone off of this list, please let me know! they say in Canada. 😽

So, Let's Hop!


  1. What a fun post and some of those folks I visit as well.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  2. Hail to our Canadian Friends and Oh do I very much agree about 9/11.
    Hubby and I were in Budapest where I was working at a scientific conference. We left directly after the conference, evening of 9/7 because we had a wedding to attend on 9/8. One of my co-workers and her husband stayed a few days after to visit family. They were flying back on 9/11 over the Atlantic when all flights were diverted to Canada. A lovely couple across the aisle from them heard that they had no where to stay. Graciously offered them a bed in their home for 2 nights until they could catch a bus to Minnesota where they rented a car to drive from Minnesota to NC. It was a very long trip.
    Hugs and thank you for the reminder

  3. I came to you through Val's Wandering Cat site

  4. Absolutely, our Canadian pals are very special! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. You're so lucky to live so close to Canada. It's about eight hours from us, and our mom hasn't been there in many years.

  6. We have lots of Canadian kitty blogging pals! And I've even been to Vancouver a couple of times with my human to visit the Critters in the Cottage.

  7. I absolutely adore Canada and many, many years ago tried to move to Toronto, but back then, they wouldn't put an American in a job that a Canadian could fill (don't blame them!) I think Chirpy Cats lives in Canada but I could be wrong.

  8. We think Canada is wonderful! Our mom hasn't been in eons but would love to visit again. She's heard the cross country train is grand.

  9. I follow most of them too and Critters in the Cottage :)

  10. We love that we live so close to Canada. We can see it from our island!

  11. It's a pretty nice country, all right. We complain about it as much as the next country, but few of us would trade it for any other. Thank you for the compliments; it's nice to be appreciated.

  12. How cool that you live just a hop, skip and a jump away! I grew up a ferry ride away from Victoria BC and would go every once in a while. How fun to list those Canadian bloggers, too! I’m not familiar with them all, so I’ll go check them out!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....