Sunday, December 30, 2018

Hot Cocoa!

Da Boyz, in the bright sunshine!
There is no sensation on this planet, like the feel of sun-warmed black cat fur.  Even if their fur turns brown in the light, Manny, left, and Chili Bruce remind me of a cup of hot cocoa, or even coffee!  Yummy...🌞


  1. I 100% agree!! Angel Madi would bake and bake and bake. Often when I touched her charcoal gray furs I could not understand why she was not melting.
    I love Da Boyz
    Hug Cecilia

  2. I once saw two black cats lying on a bed in the sunshine. They were next to each other, and one had red-tinged fur, and the other blue-tinged. Yet out of direct light, they were both unadulteratedly black.

  3. i agree! Zulu's fur looks the same in the sun! Lovely hot cocoa!

  4. That is one big pile of warm black furs. :)

  5. The furrs around my neck turn a little brown, too, when I lay in the sun a lot. I wonder why our furrs do that. I guess it could be called a natural weave?! Humans have to go to a beauty parlor and pay for such a look! Winks.

  6. Oh those boys! El and Ivan turn brown in the sunlight but those two never cuddle like that.

    P.S. What's yours is theirs, right?

  7. Julie has some brownish undertones too. She feels delicious when her furs are warmed by the sun :)
    Nancy and the kitties

  8. Thanks for the memories this gave me! My black manx used to lay in our bay window and would get so toasty warm. It felt wonderful. I hadn't thought of that in years!

  9. Hot cocoa, furry and very sweet :-)

  10. Beautiful selfie!

    Happy New Year!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  11. I agree, they are yummy.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a purrfect day and a very happy and healthy New Year. My best to your peeps. ♥

  12. What an amazing sun! :) My cats would love to spend some time in the ray of light I think :) I can't wait until Spring time :)

  13. They are gawjus. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....