Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Am Torn About Book Review: Rant

The Girl Before
Written by J. P. Delaney
Hardcover, 341 pages
Published January 24th 2017 by Ballantine Books
ISBN 0425285049 (ISBN13: 9780425285046

I listened to the audiobook version, and was enthralled from the very beginning by the uniqueness of the characters, the premise (an architect's dream home for rent), and the 'who really is a monster' mystery that winds through every chapter.

Why I'm torn: I really, REALLY liked this mystery.  But there is one problem:  a kitten is killed.  Savagely.  It's actually a teeny tiny part of the story, and yet it broke my heart.  Sure, it's not a living cat, as this is just fiction.  But why even think it, let alone write it into a story?  If that wee part could be excised, the story would have been fine.   

Why do that?

On the flipside, am I too sensitive to cats (dogs, birds, you name it) being mistreated, in books and movies?  Another case in point, "The X-Files: I Want To Believe", which was the 2nd movie made from the hit TV series, which I love.  My friends and I gathered in Memphis, Tennessee, to see this movie premier together.  I left the theatre in tears, and shaking.  Fake animal mutilation pushed me over the edge.  Everyone else stayed for the next showing of the movie; I refused, and instead went to see "Mama Mia"...and was traumatized again by Pierce Brosnan singing.

I must not be alone, because I've seen t-shirts with "I Don't Care Who Dies In The Movie As Long As The Dog Lives" written on them.  In this book, I had no idea the kitten was even a part of the story, until about 75% way into the book.  Otherwise, I wouldn't have started it.

*stepping off soapbox*



  1. I hear you. Why do that. It would turn me off too. They are such special family members.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  2. Frankly, as an author, our mom is horrified when another author choose to do harm to an innocent in any story. Is there really a purpose that is so integral to the story line that killing is absolutely necessary? We think not. Readers expect to trust authors, and animal lovers would find this particular author had broken that trust.

  3. Come back up on the soap box with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I 100% agree I don't like to watch or read anything like this either.. Makes no sense...reading is supposed to be an escape not a nightmare.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. NO! There is never any excuse for killing an animal, none. It only contributes to the evil culture of those who happen by. We never do animal abuse, even in a storyline. Oh yea, on TV once it happens we never watch that show again.

  5. I definitely agree!! I hate any cruelty to animals, even in fiction. I'll be skipping this book!

  6. My human is 100% with you. She won't even go see a movie if she hears a cat is harmed in the plot. It's too upsetting. Which is kind of ironic, since her latest favorite music video is the one from Panic! At the Disco, where the singer kills a bunch of robbers... but they're just people, and bad guys besides.

  7. We agree with you--gratuitous violence involving animals is beyond reprehensible, it's sickening. Mom *did* get a huge laugh over the Pierce Brosnan comment though. MOL!

  8. You are not alone your thinking! I once bought a collection of cat themed short stories, and in one of the stories the cat is basically ignored and then dies. I was so upset I posted a "warning" review on Amazon. Why would you include a story like this in a book that will obviously be read by cat lovers?

  9. I agree. I hate seeing any animal hurt or killed in films or books. It is upsetting and totally unnecessary.

  10. I'm with you. I can't even read books or watch movies where the dog or cat dies.

  11. When a cat shows up in a story in an offhand I will often stop reading it because I know it's a plot device and will be killed. When I was designing books and proofing for corrections one thriller novel was about a woman who grew up to be a psychotic killer, and in her childhood she apparently killed a stray kitten in a horrible way, I have no idea, as soon as the narrative moved into the story and I could see what was coming I skipped to the net chapter. If there were errors I missed I don't care. I just can't handle it.

  12. That would ruin any book or movie for me as well. Including that even in fiction is just unnecessary.

  13. I am with all of you. In fact, I "missed out" on several good books because I knew animals died : Old Yeller and Never Cry Wolf, to name a couple. People have said to me, "Well, that's life." I know that - from my experiences mourning my own animals, who have died of disease, old age, etc.

  14. I am totally completely in agreement. I cannot take any animal being hurt deliberately, and I cannot see any plot reason why they die. That is gratuitous meanness and a vile mind. There is NO need whatsoever EVER for such a thing; and I have complained bitterly on Amazon myself for the gratuitous killing of a cat. I shut the book..complained in a review on Amazon, told everyone I know and I would love if all the CB would tell us about movies or books they come across the is vile like that.

  15. Yikes! I would not be able to read that.

  16. This will definitely be on my do not read list. I can't stand gratuitous killing of animals - it makes me wonder what is going on in the author's mind. I bawled like a baby when I read Marley and Me, so I can only imagine how I'd react to this book.

  17. I recently was reading a book when suddenly without warning a cat was brutally killed. That spoiled all my enjoyment of that book. As others have said it's either a plot device or a way of showing the person's character. Nevertheless, it's a thoughtless choice by the author. Find some other way!

  18. We also agree! We would not likely read that book(well mum wouldn't either)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  19. You are not alone! Even if it's fiction and doesn't involve actual living animal, that would hurt and haunt me terribly :-(

  20. That kind of thing really bothers us to no end and there is too much of that in real life to not stamp it out in fiction

  21. I absolutely refuse to watch or read or listen to anything with animal abuse or killings. There is no reason for it in any story or movie. I love the tortured by Pierce Brosnan's singing comment, relieved the tension a bit - MOL!

  22. I don't care for reading it or seeing it in fiction, either. I remember years ago, being glad that the dog escaped the fire in the movie "The Hindenburg".

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Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....