Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Shadow and Light

Chili Bruce

Manny, showing his underwear

These two images purrfectly represent Da Boyz's purrsonalities: CB is sedate, watchful, and loving (especially food!), while Manny is playful, energetic, and fearless. 

But don't let the top photo fool you...we are sans sunshine in Michigan, and April 2019 was the third wettest April in weather-taking history.  We have flooding in low-lying areas, and expect more rain over the next three days.  I'm going out on a couple woods-walks this weekend; hope I won't need to wear hip boots!


  1. You two are looking good! And I love a fella who shows his underwear! I show mine all time. Manny...let's compare. I have a bikini style underwear and it seems you do too.

  2. Manny are those boxers are tighty whiteies?
    Just darling photos
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. doodz...awesum fotoz...N we heer ya on de rainz...we got fishin creekz wear none ever waz bee for ~~~~~~~~ whoa ♥♥

  4. Those are great photos. Manny looks like he is trying to hold up the sun.

  5. Lookin' good boys! Y'all keep dry up there, no wet paws!

  6. You better keep those boots handy! ;)

  7. We've had a very wet winter here too, but not like yours. Yikes. I hope you get some sunshine soon.

    You're babies are adorable.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  8. Here's hoping you stay dry. Flooding is awful even if it is just a tad in a basement!

  9. Awww..I love Manny's underwear :)

  10. Underwear!! MOL!

    What a pair of dolls. Stay dry, all!

  11. I love both photos but Manny reminds me of my cat Amos. He used to love to sit up like that. I hope the rain lets up soon.

  12. Such beautiful boys! Love the underwear shot, what a cutie! Try to stay dry all!

  13. We're having floods in several provinces up here, though not where I live. The weird weather continues.

    Excellent pictures of the boys, especially of Manny balancing that ball of light.

  14. Hi Boys. Manny I see you have a secret white spot. Brofur Toby has white armpits MOL


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